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"This compartment looks empty. How about this one?" Draco suggests as the train screamed to life.

Eden shrugged and just walked inside. She was however, surprised, that the train compartment consisted of three people. Draco, she could tell by the way his shoulders slouched with relief, knew these people. Blaise Zabini, who she had seen moments before, had his foot propped up on the bench opposite of him. He was wearing a jet-black suit and had a chocolate frog balanced on his knee. Next to Zabini was a girl, Pansy Parkinson, who was looking rather harassed. Her long brunette hair tied up in a bun on the top of her head.

Opposite to both of them was a handsome man with a noticeable white scar, stretching from his right eyebrow, over the bridge of his strong nose, and stopped in the middle of his left cheek.

Blaise smiled wide, his perfect teeth glowing in the flickering lights. Draco sat down next to Zabini.

"Are you going to introduce me Draco? Or just sit there like a bloody idiot?" Eden spoke clearly. She sat herself next to the boy. Blaise chuckled from beside Draco.
"Malfoy, your sister is delightful." Eden sneered at the other boy. She folded her arms across her chest.
"I'm Blaise. Blaise Zabini. Nice to meet you." He stuck his hand out for her to shake but she looked at it in disgust and shook her head. Pansy raised her hand halfway.
"Pansy. Finally another girl in our group, these three are unbelievably vile sometimes." She laughed. Eden forced a tight-lipped smile. She looked at the other man expectantly.

He sat up a little straighter.
"Alright. Castor Lestrange, at your service." He mockingly bowed to her.
"I assume you know me?" Eden looked around at the group, as they all nodded, Castor scoffed. "Bold of you to assume that, Eden." She stood. "As much fun as this has been, I am expected in the prefects compartment. It was not unpleasant to meet you all. Draco-", she addressed him personally. "-I will see you and your friends at dinner." With no further words, she walked out of the compartment and shut the door.


"Ah, Ms. Malfoy. So good to see you." Said Professor Slughorn. He was this year's new teacher. For some odd reason they added a new one to the bunch every year. Eden nodded curtly and sat next to a girl with frizzy hair who was frantically trying to rub a stain from her skirt.

"Gemma Farley, how'd you do?" She says, not sparing a glance up at Eden. "Eden Malfoy." She said dead-panly. Just then did she realize who sat next to her. She looked up at Eden, and looked like a scared puppy dog. She made an awkward squeaking noise and ran out of the compartment fast. Slughorn saw it all. He chuckled.

"Ah, as clever as that girl is, she was always rather skittish." He patted his coat pocket before he found his breast pocket and felt around for a moment. He then pulled out a golden pocket watch and clicked his tongue. "I'm sorry I'm late professor. I'm Ron, Ron Weasley." Said Ron from the open doorway. He was late. God he has no priorities, she thought.

"Oh yes, Wallaby, come sit next to Ms. Malfoy. There is an empty seat left by Ms. Farley." He stated, his eyes wavering to a posh looking girl sitting next to him. Ron made a gulping noise before reluctantly complying.

Eden slid over in disgust before she looked out of the window.

"So, Ms. Eden, what would you say, is your favorite subject here at Hogwarts?" Slughorn asked. Eden cleared her throat before speaking. "I would say I'm rather gifted with potions." She knew just how to charm him. Eden had always done well in school, but she prided herself on her Outstanding level in potions during her O.W.L exams. Slughorn nodded, clearly happy with her answer. He turned to prey on Ron next.

"Weatherby, what about you? Have some talent in that brain of yours?" Ron, caught off guard, swallowed the chocolate frog he had just shoved in his mouth.

"I wouldn't say so myself." Eden mumbled, getting a glare from Ron beside her.

"Yes, as a matter-o-fact. I'm pretty good with Defense Against the Dark Arts. You would know all about the dark arts, wouldn't you Malfoy?" Said Ron proudly, though he added the last part in a mumble to her. She gave him a sharp rap on the shin with her heels, under the table. Slughorn seemed satisfied with Ron's answer because he moved onto someone else. Eden glared at Ron and moved over to the far side, as far away from him as possible. The trolly came around, but Eden wasn't hungry. She was busy staring out the window to the rainy hillside. The sky was grey, but the train light was bright in her eyes. She wished they would turn them off. She wished her family weren't they way they were. She wished Ron wouldn't breathe so loud. She wished she could sleep.


"Ron, you can get stuff from the trolly later! Let's find an empty compartment before we'll have to sit with other people." Said Hermione, practically dragging Ron away from the harassed-looking trolly witch. Ron pouted the whole way to their compartment. Harry spotted one.
"Hermione, Ron, here." They sat down just as the train started to move. Ron pulled out four chocolate frogs.
"And how, may I ask, did you pay for these?" Hermione accused, pulling out a book from her bag.

"Oh bugger off, Mione, it's basically free!" He countered, unwrapping his second one. Harry looked at his watch.
"Ron?" It was time for him to meet up in the prefects compartment. He got the letter over the summer, and his brothers didn't believe him. Ron looked up.
"What?" He said, mouth full of chocolate. "Don't you have to go?" Said Hermione, not sparing a look from her book.

"Go where?" Ron said, confused. Hermione gave Harry a look that said 'oh-my-god-is-he-really-that-dumb?'.
"The prefects thing Ronald! You're already 5 minutes late!" That seemed to jog his memory. He quickly sped out, leaving Harry and Hermione to chuckle at his dumbness.


"Professor! Sorry I'm late, I'm Ron Weasley." Ron exclaimed, out of breath. Slughorn looked up from his golden, rusty pocket watch and politely smiled.
"Wallaby, please sit down next to Ms. Malfoy." Ron looked over to Eden and frowned, and she rolled her eyes at him. She scooched all the way over to the window and looked out of it. Slughorn interrupted her thoughts.

"Ms. Eden, what is your favorite subject at Hogwarts?" He asked, opening a tin of dried pineapple. She smiled, and Ron couldn't help but stare.

"Potions, I'm quite good." She said. Suck up, he thought. He didn't realize he was staring until Slughorn pounced on him.
"Weatherby, what about you?" He had just ripped open a particularly wiggly chocolate frog, and shoved it in his mouth quickly. He swallowed and said, "Defense Against The Dark Arts. It's m' favorite." He smiled and added, "You would know all about that wouldn't you Malfoy?", Quietly, so Slughorn couldn't hear. But he wasn't listening anyway.

She kicked him hard on the shin with her pointy shoe and slid even further into the window, away from him. It was then that he realized how tired he was. He didn't get much sleep last night, for Harry and Hermione were getting ready for Hocrux hunting. He had caught Harry trying to sneak out a couple days ago. He wanted to make sure Harry didn't do something stupid, not sign himself up! He would do anything for his best mate, but it would mean spending who knows how long away from his sister, and his brothers, and home-cooked meals and the comfort of his own bed.

Ron didn't see the point in trying to stay awake, but he wasn't going to snore in front of Professor Slughorn. He couldn't sleep in his own compartment, they would be talking about preparations, he couldn't sleep here, everyone would witness how ugly he looked when he was sleeping, so he decided what to do.

"Excuse me, Professor, but I gotta go. Some Prefect duties." He mustered up the most convincing smile he could before hurrying out of the carriage. He passed Ginny in the corridor, a fluffy ball on her shoulder or something. He was too tired to think. But luckily, he reached his destination.

"Neville! Could I sleep in here?" He said, exhausted. Neville was sitting alone, talking to an interesting looking cactus. Neville nervously gulped before smiling and nodding to the seat across from him.

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