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Eden wiped her eyes.

Another bad day.

It didn't happen all the time, just every other day. She couldn't sleep. She felt her pulse in her arm, right underneath the tattoo, where she couldn't get it.

She began to let the tears fall again, the coolness cooling down her flaming skin.

She had to get to classes.

She stood up from her bed, and walked over to Pansy's vanity mirror. Eden looked at herself.

Her gray eyes were red and swollen, from crying most of the night. Her hair was messy, and unattended to. She had taken four of the pills that night, and none of them helped. Even though it was only 9PM, she needed a drink.

Her mind was brought back to last night. Castor and her kissing, and her and Ron fighting.

She didn't know which one she wanted to bring into the light.

She took a deep breath, and opened Astoria Greengrass's drawer. She was hardly in their dorms anymore, her going on camping trips and what not with her sister and family.

Eden pulled out the bottle of Firewhiskey. Astoria was a party girl, Eden quite liked her, and she always kept a spare bottle in her drawer. Looks like she forgot to take this one.

Eden opened the bottle and took a couple of swigs from it. She swayed in her spot before steadying and drinking more. She loved alcohol, the way it burned as it went down her throat, the way it was possible to think of nothing else but drinking more.

"Do I need to save you from this again?" Castor asked from the doorway. She had a feeling he had been there for a long time.

"Oh no need. I was just finishing it." She easily downed the rest of the bottle.

He chuckled and walked toward her.

"What's the matter, love? I thought you had a good day. Did something happen?" His questions flooded her brain, but she was too drunk to answer them. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"My arm hurts." She said lamely. Eden shrugged before pushing herself away from him. Castor went quiet.

"I know what you mean." He said, rubbing his own right arm. Eden looked confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked, rubbing her eyes and checking her body in the mirror. She never used to like looking at herself.

"I know, Eden." She spun around widely, she may have been drunk, but not enough to where she didn't know what he had been talking about.

"Who told you? Was it Draco?" She could kill her brother. He shook his head though, and lifted up his own sleeve. It was the same one, the same one she has.

"Castor..." She whispered. Eden walked forward, with some struggle, and pulled down his sleeve.

"We aren't bad people." She said, more to herself than him. She didn't want to cry again, so she took the bottle back from him, before realizing it was empty.

Angry, she threw the bottle on the floor. It crashed into pieces as it hit, glass shards spilling everywhere.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Castor said, grabbing her arms from smashing more things. He looked in her gray eyes and she looked into his blue ones. She loved blue eyes. They were her favorite. Castor preferred green ones.

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