42 4 19

Today marks two weeks.

Two weeks since he's been gone.

Eden hasn't gotten out of bed in days.

She rolled over to look at the window, which was frosted over and she could barely see out of it. Christmas is coming in a couple more weeks.

"Eden?" Astoria asked quietly. Eden turned around and rubbed her eyes, which were puffy and red.


"You haven't eaten in a while. Are you hungry?" She asked, turning quickly to go get Eden some food, but Eden shook her head.

"Surprisingly not." Eden sat up and groaned. Her stomach hurt from a lack of food.

She was right, she had no memory of last night.

Of the party, of Blaise and her, of her excessive drinking. But by now, she just expected she had drinken, because she does it so often now.

"Hey, what happened last night?" Eden asked hoarsely. She had a headache.

Astoria chuckled.

"Well you were so drunk that Blaise and you practically lugged yourselves up to his room. Then did god knows what. But me and Adrianna talked for hours last night." She said dreamily.

There could be no way.

She may have been drunk, but never that drunk.

"I didn't...sleep with him, did I?" She asked, sighing. She really didn't need this right now.

"Oh, well I don't know. You should ask him. He's been looking for you all morning." Said Astoria, before leaving the dorm and shutting the door.

Eden quickly got out of bed, her head spinning a little bit before she left. She didn't bother to put on any clean clothes.

"Blaise!" She spotted him and ran through the hallways, earning confused looks from others.

Blaise chuckled.

"Slow down, E. What's up?" He put his hand in his pocket and gave a warning look to a 5th year who was staring.

"I need to talk to you. Like in private." She pulled him to the darkest and most secluded part of the hallway before whispering,

"Did we sleep together last night?" Blaise's eyes widened before answering.

"You really were drunk, weren't you? No, we didn't sleep together. We talked about Ron, and I came out to you, and we fell asleep cuddling." He mockingly swung his hands, looking like a little school girl.

Eden let out a big breath.

"That relieved?" Blaise asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

Eden chuckled airily.

"No, I guess I was just confused. Er...see ya." She waved to him before looking embarrassingly down at her clothes. Apparently, in the midst of the moment, she had forgotten to change. She walked back to her dorm with a blush across her cheeks.


Eden had skipped all of her classes today. She sat on her bed, thinking about things.

She had a new habit of creating stories in her head, ones with no happy ending. Creating these scenarios made her lose track of what was happening in the moment.

As she imagined a princess, falling from the highest tower of her castle, being pushed by her love, an owl clacked on the window.

She got up unsteadily before opening the window. It had started to snow, and some snowflakes brushed in and on her dirty t-shirt.

The Eagle Owl brought in a scroll, coffee stained paper, she noticed instantly.

She unrolled it-after giving the owl 3 knuts-with hesitation.

I am calling upon you tonight. I understand that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley have left.

I hope, and expect, that you know where they have gone, and what they are trying to accomplish.

I will be expecting you at exactly 10:00PM tonight.

Do not be late.



Now, Eden has to decide. She really didn't know where they were going.

She could either tell the truth, say she didn't know, and have her family tortured and killed because of it? No, she wouldn't do that.

She was going to lie. Say they were going to Albania, or Spain, or America. Tell him that the trio was looking for Horcruxes, a dark magical object that she had read about in DADA.

If her parents had taught her anything, it was the power to lie fluently. She was now a master at Occlumency, and could lie through her teeth just as easily.

There was one thing she had to remember, one thing she had to keep telling herself.

She was not doing this for Ron.

_ _ _ _ _

"Enter." Said the cold voice from behind the door. Eden took a deep breath, smoothed out her dress, checked her lipstick, and wandlessly opened the locked door.

Eden's mind clouded with fake memories of her talking and laughing with Harry.

She made sure Ron wasn't in any of the scenarios, because then, she would want to think about him.

Voldemort's eyes glowed red and he smiled, like he had seen exactly what he had wanted to. He probably did.

"Come." He beckoned her over to her usual spot at the dining room next to her brother.

They all looked at her expectantly, and when they realized she was not going to speak unless spoken to, Voldemort spoke.

"In my letter I had stated the previous altercations regarding the boy and his friends. He has fled, and I trust you know why?" He asked, his head tilting to one side.

Eden cleared her throat before responding.

"I do, My Lord. Harry and his friends have gone to Spain. They are searching for your Horcruxes, Your Grace." She said, hoping the shake in her voice sounded convincing enough.

Voldemort's eyes turned redder.

"How could they possibly have known? I suspect Dumbledore's told the boy!" He screamed. Draco flinched and made a grab for Narcissa's hand. Eden didn't do as much as re-adjust her position. Her father was nowhere in sight.

Was he ever?

Eden and her family nodded like they understood his outrage.

"Is there...any other useful information you would like to present?" Voldemort consulted her again, before she stood up and cleared her throat.

"No, My Lord." She said quietly, bowing her head. Voldemort chuckled.

"You haven't fallen in love with the boy, I hope?"

Eden shook her head.

"I have not fallen in love with Harry Potter." That wasn't a lie.

Voldemort clasped his hands together before shooing her out. She wanted to stay for a while, to be there for her family, for Draco, for her mother. But she just couldn't.

"We will be meeting again soon." Voldemort's last words rang in her ears even after she had apparated back to Hogwarts. 

Okay, I don't usually write author's notes at the end of my chapters, but this needs to be said. This chapter is extremely short, and it is only here to set up for the next one, which will be big. I'm sorry this one is so short, but again, it literally has no purpose other than to give you something to read while you wait. 

Bye loves. 

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