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Eden rummaged through her bag, double checking if she had everything.

"Are you looking for something, dear?" Narcissa asked, sitting in the seat next to her. Eden quickly closed her bag, shaking her head quietly.

Death Eaters around them murmured quietly, trying to figure out why they were being summoned by the Dark Lord. Bellatrix gave Eden an appraising smile from across her dining room table, and Eden looked away quickly.

His presence was again, hard to miss. He walked in the grand dining room and took his place at the head of the table. Narcissa grabbed onto Eden's cold hand from under the table. Next to Eden sat Draco, who was looking more pale than usual, and next to Draco, was Lucius, who, to plainly put it, looked like a bus ran over him. Twice.

"I know you are all wondering why I have summoned you all at this hour. For years, I have known, we have all known, that Harry Potter has posed as a threat to my rising power. It has come to my attention recently, on how to dispose of him efficiently." He smiled nastily, raising his white hands.

"Eden, what do you know about Harry Potter?" He asked her, red eyes, along with everyone else's, staring at her.

"Nothing, My Lord. We don't exactly get along." She smiled menacingly. She has played this part of evil Death Eater for so long, she knew exactly how to charm him. Tom Riddle was as easily manipulated as anyone. Voldemort smiled.

"Over the next seven months, I want you to find out everything you can about him. Be his friend, his love if you must! Bring me the information I so desperately need, and you and your family will be rewarded."

Eden choked on her breath. If she could do this, she would be set free. Her brother, her mother and her would be set free.

"My Lord, I would like to volunteer myself for this task-." Bellatrix timidly asked from the middle of the table.

"Quiet, Bellatrix! It is Eden, who is our way into victory. There is a war rising, Ms. Malfoy, and you are the line between losing and winning it."

_ _ _ _ _

Ron sat quietly on his bed, looking at the window. He always seemed to only look out of it when the sun was going down.

He had had a long day. Hermione and Harry were being more uptight than usual, and he had just had enough. He didn't fight this time, just walked up to his dorm and shut the door.

He was startled out of his thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Come in." He said boringly. Eden entered weirdly.

"Er...hi." She said awkwardly, standing in the middle of the room, feeling his eyes burn a hole in her soul.

"Do you-er.. need something?" He asked, now ashamed at the state of his space, messy and unclean. His cheeks burned scarlet as he stuffed some boxers under his bed.

"Is anyone else here?" She asked, scanning the beds. Ron shook his head and gestured her to sit down.

"I need to talk to you. About something really serious." She said, playing with her hands in her lap. Ron was surprised, to say the least. They had found common ground two days ago, barely tolerated each other, and now she needed to tell him something serious? What was she playing at?

"Go on." He urged. She sighed before saying,

"TheDarkLordhasgivenmethetaskoffindingoutaboutHarryPotter." She breathed heavily before looking up at him. He looked startled and confused.

Till Death Do Us Part [R.W]Where stories live. Discover now