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Eden Malfoy was not weak. She carried her mother and father in one hand. They always said she was born to lead. She already knew that. Her older brother Draco, liked to pretend to be as strong as she was, but he never quite got there. She was born with the Malfoy-blonde hair, almost white reaching down her back. Her skin was pale, and eyes as grey as her father's personality. She went to Hogwarts, but this was her last year. She did not feel feelings, no, that's a weakness. Eden Malfoy has no weaknesses. She was tall and slim, and looked quite a bit like her father. She hated that.

Her mother stood in the doorway of her grand room. Everything diamond, silver, gold. A chandelier that needed to be hung by four different men. A four-post bed frame, made out of the finest Hawthorn wood wizard money could buy. And a single window that looked out onto the acres and acres of land they owned, but today, the curtains were drawn.
"Eden. It's time for you." Narcissa whispered. She was careful not to speak too loud, afraid of the thing in her living room. Eden nodded, and stood up. She smoothed out her dress, flattened her hair and accompanied her mother in the doorway.

"Are you ready for this? You are a bit young." Narcissa continued. Eden stood next to her in the door and said,
"Yes mother. Of course I'm ready." Eden was turning 17 tomorrow, so the trace would fade away. You wouldn't want the ministry tracking a Death Eater.

She spotted him from up the stairs. His presence was hard to miss. He was like a dark cloud with a cloak on. Almost as dark as the cloud that's been hanging over her family for years. As she was going down the spiraling stairs, he noticed her.

"Ah. Eden, I presume?" He said in his cold voice. She almost flinched. Key word: almost.  Eden nodded and walked forward. Bellatrix stepped forward and gave her a hug. She did not hug back.

"I promise you lord, she's perfect. Just like me!" Bella giggled, showing her rotten teeth. Eden looked directly into his snake-like eyes. She was not afraid of him. Her father was afraid of him. She always thought of her family as a bunch of cowards. But nonetheless, she was proud of carrying the Malfoy name.

"Walk forward, Eden." He whispered again. She walked forward. She looked around at the men and women in all black. Their sleeves rolled down, as if they were ashamed. Like her mother always said, they had no choice. But Eden knew that was untrue. They always had a choice. All of Voldemort's followers bowed their heads, ready for the ceremony.

He took out his wand and gave it a wave. The lights went out. The only thing that stayed lit was the grand fireplace, tended to by the many house elves they owned. He beckoned her even closer. Bellatrix giggled from beside the Dark Lord. He grabbed Edens arm and lifted up her sleeve. He smiled to himself, ready to make the next Malfoy Death Eater. He pressed the wand tip hard into her forearm.

"Morsmorde." He seethed, following the most excruciating pain she's ever felt. But her face did not change. Her eyes fluttered shut and closed tightly as she tried not to scream.

And then it was over. Just like that, the pain from her arm drifted away, and she opened her eyes to a smiling Voldemort. She looked down and saw the mark. A forever scar that reminded her of who she belonged to now. All that was left to do is her mission she was ordered. She never really cared for Hogwarts anyways.


"Ronald will you hurry up a little?" Said an annoyed Hermione. Ron hurriedly finished packing his trunk.

"Okay okay. No need to fuss, Hermione." He panted. He pushed Hermione away from the door frame so he could get through with his heavy trunk.

"Remind me why we're packing? Bill's wedding is in two days. Where are we even going?" He complained, still lugging his suitcase down the many stairs. Harry entered the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"M'ione wants us packed for 'any occasion'."-Harry rolled his eyes. -" Whatever the bloody hell that means." Mumbled Ron, now fully downstairs.

He chucked his trunk in the pile of the others and sat down for a rest next to Harry. Mrs. Weasley hurriedly busted through the kitchen door that led to outside. She had many things in her hands. This past week she had been working the trio hard, hopefully getting them to forget about quitting school. She stopped and looked from them, to the suitcases, and back to them. Her eyes filled with tears.
"Oh Mum stop." Ron said annoyed, he was clearly embarrassed. Molly shook her head to clear the tears and have them all different jobs to do.

They were all going to attended the first month at Hogwarts, to not raise any suspicion. Then, they were going Horcrux hunting. They all knew it was a big risk to take, but they would do anything for their best friend. Ron was being over-worked by Molly and the preparations for the wedding. He really couldn't understand why they were having a wedding now, in the upcoming of a wizarding war. But as usual, his voice goes unnoticed by his parents who so desperately wanted a daughter.

Fred and George were causing ruckus in Ron and Harry's room as usual, when Arthur and Molly called them all into the kitchen.
"Boys get down here!" Molly screeched from downstairs.

"It's okay Molly, they're just being boys up there. No need to yell." Reasoned Arthur, apparently beside his yelling wife. They all hurried into the kitchen where Molly, Arthur, Hermione, Ginny, and Fleur's parents were casually talking at the dinner table. Molly put her hands on her hips.

"Dinner has been ready for ages!" She scoffed angrily. She finally sat down and picked some potatoes on her plate. They all sat down. Ron's family was not rich. The only Christmas present he got was a sweater knitted by his mom. He always bought his books second-hand, because they were all so expensive. But they had a lot of love for their children. For Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Percy and Ginny. Yep, all of them.

Now the interesting part of this story,
Is how they intertwine.

****  - Time skip

————— -  Change in P.O.V.

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