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Ron sat there for a while, just looking at her sleep. It was one of those rare times when she didn't look like she was suffering, or endlessly tired of the world. Ron laid on his side, to look at her a little longer. He wondered if she thought about the world ending, or if she just thought about normal things.

"I can feel you staring." She said suddenly. Embarrassed, Ron looked away and turned on his back. Eden re-adjusted her position and looked at him.

"How are you?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Fine. Normal." He responded awkwardly. Eden nodded and stood up.

"Well, I'll be off. Er...bye." Eden said, and walked out.

_ _ _ _ _

Eden needed to eat, but she didn't want to. However, she found herself in the Great Hall, wondering where to sit. She made eye-contact with Castor, who beckoned her over.

"Morning." He said, putting an arm around her.

"Hello." She said back, giggling a little bit. Her head still hurt, but it had since then quieted down.

"Malfoy." Barked Pansy, who sat down across from them. Eden looked surprised and not impressed while she grabbed a slice of toast.

"What, Parkinson?" Eden replied. Pansy gave a flirty smile to Castor, who looked away quickly and piled his plate high.

"Can you tell me why I walked into our dorm this morning to find your bed occupied?"

Eden stopped. She didn't want Pansy to spread anything about her sleeping with Castor Lestrange, because after all, they didn't sleep together, they slept with each other. Eden tried to play it off.

"Don't even remember last night, I was so drunk. If my bed was occupied, excuse me for having some fun." Part of that was true. Eden didn't really remember last night, only sitting on the floor, while everyone laughed in slow-motion, and her touching Castor's scar.

Pansy sat, disgusted. "Castor was in your bed, Eden. I want you to know that's not cool." Eden looked curious and mad.

"He was in my bed. So what?" She said back, trying to hide the shake in her voice.

"So he's my boyfriend. Back off, Eden, we both know who'll win this fight." She said warningly, and stood up. She tried to look at Castor, but he wouldn't make eye contact. Eden watched as Draco entered the hall and immediately ran to Pansy and put an arm around her. She pretended to look sad, and he kissed her forehead.

If that bitch wants to play, I'll be happy to, she thought.

"Castor. Is she telling the truth?" She asked. He didn't speak for a while before nodding silently. Eden replied,

"Okay. Goodbye." And stood up from the table without finishing her breakfast. Castor tried to call her back, but she ignored him and the wondering stares from the other students. She passed Pansy and Draco on the way up to her dorm, but only gave them a warning look before walking up to the entrance of the Slytherin Common room. She needed to get ready for classes.

She opened the door to see Astoria Greengrass crying on her bed.

"Astoria, you seem upset." She said numbly, walking over to her wardrobe for her robes. Astoria sniffed sadly.

"It's just, he won't return any of my owls! I need to talk to him!" She said, sobbing into her handkerchief. Eden rolled her eyes. Women.

"Who is this?" She asked, putting on her robes for the day. They seemed a little small, maybe she was putting on weight?

Till Death Do Us Part [R.W]Where stories live. Discover now