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Eden shook Ron awake. He got up, startled. He looked around and realized that they were still on the Astronomy tower.

"What, what?" He said stupidly, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"It's almost sunrise. You should get back." She shrugged. Ron realized that she probably woke up a little while ago.

"Did I- did I fall asleep on you?" He asked, madly blushing. Eden chuckled and rubbed her shoulder.

"Yeah." She stood up, putting her hand on the wall behind her to support her, and groaned.

"You know, we should come up here more often." She said, looking out at the slowly rising Sun. Ron looked too, and his face was illuminated by the orange rays of the morning Sun.

"Tonight?" He asked hopefully, looking up at her. She looked down at him and weighed her options.

Ron wondered if he came off too strong.

"Okay, tonight." She said finally.

"But you should really go. Your friends will wonder about where you've been all night." She said smartly.

Oh shit.

"I have to go!" He said, remembering what he had to do with HArry and Hermione that morning.

"Oh- uh, yeah bye!" She shouted, her voice echoing in his head until he finally reached the Gryffindor common room.

The Sun had risen by then, but was still lighting up the sky with a bright orange and yellow.

"Where-." Hermione started, pointing a finger at his chest.

"Mione, don't start this early." Harry reasoned, gently removing Hermione's finger from pushing any more into Ron's chest. She looked tired. Too tired to fight with him.

"Let's get on with it then." She said, as she took out the little paper from her pocket.

"Have we all got our bags packed?"

_ _ _ _ _

Eden opened the window to let the owl, who had been tapping on her window for quite some time, in. She caught some cold wind before shutting the door quickly.

Eden recognized the paper.


I will be expecting you this evening, 11PM sharp. Don't be late.

I hope you have gathered some useful information over the course of this week.


Eden didn't want to burn another hole in her bedsheet, so she just ripped up the paper and threw it away.

She had a date with Ron tonight.


A date?

Do I really think it's a date?, she asked herself, before defiantly shaking her head.

She just had to get in and get out with Ron, they go meet the Dark Lord.

Eden had better get ready.

_ _ _ _ _

"Tell me again why we can't hang out tonight?" Dean asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Ron sighed and sat down at the dinner table.

Till Death Do Us Part [R.W]Where stories live. Discover now