Interrogation - Chapter 3

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Your POV

As I walk around the mansion I try to see if there is actually anything to do there. It was sort of like a hotel, just a lot of bedrooms. There was some other rooms but they all seemed to be locked. Would be great to have a phone right about now. Not like anything would work on it anyway. I don't think they have electricity or anything here. As I continue to walk down the halls, I see a man with two masked men beside him. He was quite short, just a little taller then me. And he wore a strange hat. I moved to the side of the hall so they could pass, but the man stood still, he had a sinister grin on and pointed in my direction. That's when the two men who stood beside him started making their way toward me.

W-What's going on?! I took a couple steps back, what were they doing?!?! Out of panic I ran down the hall back from where I came from! The short man with a hat on shouted "get her!" I continued to run. Not knowing where I could get away. Eventually I saw the main door to out of the building. I tried to flee for my life but it was too late. The two masked men grabbed me, placing some sort of material over my mouth, stopping me from talking. I could only make muffled screams. They both dragged me away from the door. I watched it get further away from me.

The two men took y/n to a room. They tied her arms behind a chair. There was a table in front of her. And nothing else. Somewhat resembling to a questioning room. The two men then left her alone in the room. She continued to try and scream for help and get out of her restraints. Soon after the man with the large hat came into the room with a smirk. He gave a small chuckle and made his way around the table looking at y/n. He slowly lifted the material from y/n's mouth. She soon tried to bite his finger after but he pulled away in time

Man: ah ah ah! No biting, don't want to put a muzzle on you, do you?
Y/n: what do you want?!
Man: answers my dear y/n, answers
Y/n: h-how do you know my name?!
Man: Childe told me of course. How else would I know?
Y/n: you're friends with Childe?
Man: more like co workers. I wouldn't necessarily be associated with him if it wasn't for the Fatui
Y/n: please, I don't want to cause trouble, just let me go!
Man: you might have that idiot fooled. But not me
Y/n: I'm serious! I don't even know what this fatui shit is!
Man: tsk you expect me to believe that?!
Y/n: it's the truth!
Man: maybe, you just need a little encouragement to remember

The man lightly placed his finger on the table, he slowly walks around the table, trailing his finger along. Y/n watched it and sees small sparks of electricity come from the tip of his finger. As he gets closer, she tries to move away as best as she could whilst still in the chair

Y/n: please!! I swear I know nothing!!! Please!!
Man: *chuckles* you are quite the combing actress. But I'm not buying it for a second

He gets even closer, his finger starting to raise from the table. His hand now creating a ball of purple electricity. He circles behind y/n, and grabs her chin with his non electric hand. Her back facing him. His electric hand raising higher and higher. Y/n staring at the sparks and trying to keep her head away. But the man keeps her in place. Before he could reach the sparks to her throat, the door swings open. Startled they both turn to see Childe there, anger spread across his face

Childe: you fucking psycho!
Y/n: Childe!
Man: what the hell Childe?!?! I was getting close to having her break!!
Childe: save it Scaramouche!! She has no information to help you!
Scaramouche: hmph

Childe goes up to y/n and unties her, while Scaramouche sits on the back of the table unsatisfied

Scaramouche: *sighs* you always have to take the boring route to things Childe. I don't even know how you became a harbinger. You're too soft
Childe: oh yeah?! How about I kick your ass at a duel later?! We will see then won't we!
Scaramouche: I don't need to prove to you that I'm stronger then you childe!
Childe: come on y/n, let's get you to your room
Scaramouche: you can't protect your girlfriend forever you know. You leave in 3 days
Childe: well she can't stay here forever either!
Scaramouche: you let her leave this mansion without my permission! You'll regret it!

Childe grabs your arm and leads you out of the room. Scaramouche's unsatisfied expression changes to a wicked grin when you leave. As childe continues to lead you away. You pull your arm away from Childe's grip and stare at him with anger. He turns back at you in confusion

Y/n: that's it! What the hell is going on childe?!
Childe: it's... it's hard to ex-
Y/n: oh my god! Cut the crap! What is the Fatui?! What do they want with me?!
Childe: *sighs* fine... follow me... I'll tell you what you need to know

Childe walks down the hall and y/n follows. She was feeling scared and confused but also angry. Everything that happened was so fast. And it seemed really important. Childe arrived at y/n's room. They both go inside

Y/n: why are we back here?
Childe: no one else can disturb us... and I thought you'd feel a bit more comfortable here
Y/n: ... fine... can you tell me everything now?

Childe tries to explain the Fatui as best as he could to y/n. And how he was a harbinger, one of the leaders of the Fatui, as well as scaramouche. She wasn't too sure how to feel about it all. It seemed so corrupt, she didn't fully understand how Childe could possibly be part of something so twisted. But just assumed he was pulling a facade towards you

Y/n: th-thats what the Fatui is?! That's messed up!
Childe: *sighs* not everyone gets our perspective... but I promise, I'm on your side... I try to not be as drastic as the other harbingers... I swear
Y/n: I just don't see what the Fatui could possibly want with me?!
Childe: when we found you appear here, we thought you might be a threat to our plans. So we had to take precautions. It wasn't normal for someone to just randomly appear out of now where. Especially in your state of being unconscious. Anyways, we just wanted to make sure you weren't a threat. Which I know you not to be, but Balladeer needs a little more convincing.
Y/n: Balladeer?
Childe: Scaramouche. The maniac who tried to harm you
Y/n: why can't I just leave?!
Childe: *sighs* because, even though you might not be a threat. Scaramouche as well as the rest of the harbingers believe they can use you to their advantage. Make you help them for their own personal gain. They see you as vulnerable, and when dealing with the Fatui, it's dangerous.
Y/n: isn't there anything you can do?!
Childe: I'm sorry, I wish I could help... but I have strict orders from the Tsaritsa... it's either working with the threat, or destroying it... and I don't really feel like killing you today

He tries to give you a caring smile. But you just ignore it

Y/n: so I'm stuck here then?!
Childe: for now yes. Unless Scaramouche says otherwise. He needs to know if you are of any use to him or not yet
Y/n: even if I could, I'm not helping that asshole
Childe: I know this isn't something you want to hear. But I suggest you do help him... it might be your only way out... I can only do so much these next few days

You look down at the ground, trying to hold back tears

Y/n: great, I try to get away from one maniac and now I'm stuck with another!!

You turn away from Childe and look up

Y/n: I asked to be saved, not trapped! What the fuck did I ever do to deserve this!

Childe tries to comfort you by placing a hand on your shoulder. But you just push it away and start to cry

Childe: I'm sorry y/n... I really am...

Childe leaves you in your room and closes the door. When the door closes, you look up at it again, as if to quietly say come back. You didn't want to be alone. Childe wasn't exactly a friend, and he wasn't exactly kind hearted but, he was the closest thing to it

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