Hunting - Chapter 15

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Scaramouche is currently at his office discussing with Signora what they should do about finding y/n.

Signora: are you sure that y/n will have left the city?! If she had, surely someone from our troops will have seen her?!
Scaramouche: it's been days Signora. If y/n was still here, we would have seen her, we need to have our troops expand out and cover more territory!
Signora: no! I still believe she could be here, if we start letting our troops go out of the city, we could be giving her a chance to escape!
Scaramouche: if you want to keep searching the city then fine!! But you are wasting time! We know she is still in inazuma, but we can't be sure about the city!
Signora: *sighs* 2 days, we will search the city for 2 days, and then I'll let you do what you want with the search. But I swear Balladeer, if I find out you have been hiding her away, I won't hesitate in making sure she suffers greatly with her death
Scaramouche: very well, but I promise you. I want that gnosis, and if that means she has to die, I'll gladly kill her my self if I have to!
Signora: then I suggest you find her soon!

Signora storms out of the room. When the door is closed, Scaramouche sighs and leans back in his chair. If he wanted you to be safe, he'd have to stay away from you for a few days more. He just hoped you'd understand.

You were currently in the abandoned house, you were shooting at some of the wooden pillars for target practice. Scaramouche had left you a bow so you had something to do while he was gone. There was a roughly drawn target on the wooden pillars, made with the end of an arrow you carved. As you practice you can feel yourself getting hungry. Scaramouche hadn't showed up at the time he normally would so it seemed like food was up to you.

You decide to go to the small forest behind the house. It would be good for target practice if you could find anything to hunt. You take the bow and head over. When you walk through the woods, you felt a nice cooling breeze blowing your hair. You go across the path and hear a rustle in the bushes. You crouch down behind another bush. Waiting for the source of the noise to reveal itself, you start to prepare your bow. From the bushes came a boar. Y/n smiles at the boar, happy she could have such a great target. As she aimed her weapon at the boar. She made sure she stayed silent, to not disturb the creature. And then released her arrow at the boar, shooting it to the ground. She then ran up to it and made sure it was out of its misery. She didn't really like hurting animals but it was her best option to not starve. As she is handling the boar, she didn't realise there was two Fatui agents watching over her

Agent 1: you keep an eye on her, find where she is heading. She has a Fatui bow, it must be her
Agent 2: what about you?
Agent 1: I'm going to inform Scaramouche of her. He will want to be informed of her position
Agent 2: very well, I'll meet you here in a couple of hours to keep you updated on her situation
Agent 1: good

The first agent leaves the forest and heads back to the city. When the agent arrives back at the mansion, he walks towards Scaramouche's office. But when inside he sees Signora there instead

Agent 1: oh sorry my lady, I was here to give some information regarding the y/n girl to Scaramouche
Signora: whatever the information is I want to hear it!
Agent 1: of course my lady. We believe that we may have located her!
Signora: then take me to her you imbecile! Why are you standing around here for?!
Agent 1: yes my lady

The agent escorts Signora to where he saw y/n, and where he was meeting the other agent. After a few minutes of waiting the other agent arrives

Signora: what took you so long?!
Agent 2: sorry my lady!
Signora: where is she?!
Agent 2: she is hiding at an abandoned house just a little ways from here
Signora: take me there!

The agent then leads her to the house. She smiles then enters the house. Making her way up the stairs. You hear footsteps coming up the stairs. You stand up happy, thinking Scaramouche would be following the sound of those steps. When revealing Signora and the two Fatui agents you step back in fear

Y/n: Y-You?!?! How did you find me?!
Signora: Scaramouche gave you in
Y/n: He what?!?! Why would he- you're lying!!
Signora: indeed I was... but thanks for confirming to me that he knew you were here

Signora smacks you around the face, causing you to fall onto the ground. Signora steps closer to you and looks down at you

Signora: tie her up! Things have just got a lot more interesting!

The two agents take off your vision and tie you to a chair

Signora: you two will guard her! I don't want her escaping! And cover her mouth! I can't stand the sound of her voice
Agent 1: of course my lady!

Signora leaves the abandoned house and the two Fatui put some material over your mouth, stopping you from making a noise. Signora heads back to the mansion and finds Scaramouche in his office.

Scaramouche: what do you want? Any look with finding y/n?
Signora: no... *sighs* you were right. It's possible she has gotten past our Fatui and breached out from the city. I  have diverted your troops further into the region
Scaramouche: *smirks* glad you came to your senses.
Signora: don't make me regret it

Scaramouche leaves his office. Signora smirks then follows him without him realising. He wanted to go back to tell you it was safe, wanting to help you walk around more freely. When he went up the stairs to look for you. He saw you tied up to a chair

Scaramouche: Y-Y/n?!?!

Without another word, one of the Fatui agents sneak up behind him and Knock him to the ground

Scaramouche: UGH!! What the hell do you think you are doing?!?!

Signora walks back into the room, walking past Scaramouche and kneeling down before him

Scaramouche: Y-You knew?!?!
Signora: *chuckles* you seriously thought I wouldn't figure it out?
Scaramouche: what the hell do you think you two are doing?! You work for me not her!!
Signora: actually, since you are now a traitor to the Tsaritsa, they now go by my order

Scaramouche goes silent

Signora: grab him and his vision!

The two agents do as Signora says. Signora then grabs you and pushes you out the house.

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