The Execution Grounds - Chapter 58

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Zhongli is at Yuehai pavilion. He was told to come to speak to the Qixing. He brought along Childe to understand what events broke down earlier

Keqing: thank you Rex lapis for meeting us here
Zhongli: seems like you have discovered my true identity *sighs* no matter. I suppose me helping with the events with Huolong the other day does cause suspicions
Keqing: yes... but we have something more important to tell you
Zhongli: what is it?
Ningguang: Lady Mizu was taken
Zhongli: WHAT?!?!
Childe: WHAT?!?!
Ningguang: by lord Scaramouche
Childe: HOW?!?! She was hidden away. How the hell did he find her?!
Keqing: we aren't sure but we wanted to ask you what we should do? Is there anyway we can get to Snezhnaya and bring him Mizu?
Childe: the teleporter! Scaramouche installed a new one over a month ago
Ningguang: we are unable to get access to the teleporter. That's why we asked you here
Zhongli: he must have dismantled it as soon as he got there *sighs* the closest point there is the teleporters in Natlan
Childe: that's not good enough. He could have killed her by the time we get to Snezhnaya, or worse. It's a day or two hike from Natlan to Snezhnaya.
Zhongli: *sighs* what else can we do?!
Childe: I might have an idea. 3 months ago when, everything happened... we used Osial to take me, Scaramouche and y/n to Snezhnaya. Uma took over for a couple hours with the Whirl pool.
Zhongli: seems like that is our best option. We should all head to Fontaine now and discuss with Uma
Keqing: will she be willing to help us?
Childe: yes, she is y/n's best friend. I know she'd do anything for her
Ningguang: we should leave right away then

Zhongli, Childe, Keqing and ningguang leave the building and head towards their nearest teleporter. They also brought some millelth guards with them just in case.

Back in Snezhnaya. The weather had drastically changed. There was heavy snow and huge gusts of winds, blowing the snow in every direction. Scaramouche was standing there. Barely having it effect him. He caused the storm with his archon powers. He looked down at y/n's cold body, lying in the snow. Her hands chained to the ground. Her vision in Scaramouche's grasp.

Y/n's eyes slowly opened as her body shivered on the white surface. She kneeled up, and stood to her feet panicking. She looked at Scaramouche with an evil smile. Looking at her vision as if it was merely a bit of junk.

Y/n: where are we?!
Scaramouche: the old execution grounds. The Tsaritsa used to bring her victims here to freeze. And as they were on their last breath. She would execute them right here, for all the rest of the Fatui to watch. Sort of like a warning if they disobeyed her. She really knew what she was doing to strike fear into her disloyal people.
Y/n: I'm not scared
Scaramouche: maybe you should be

She tries to break free from the restraints. She could barely walk two steps forward with how short the chains were attached to the ground. Making it hard for her to move out of place. Scaramouche chuckles at her bad attempt

Y/n: so is that your plan as well then? To let me freeze and then execute me?
Scaramouche: no no, I plan to do a lot more then that. You deserve a lot worse

He grasped the vision in his hand and started to slowly crush it, cracking it. The glow from the vision slowly fading. Y/n screamed, her heart was hurting. Like someone was trying to tear it out

Scaramouche: a vision is made of a persons ambitions. So what would it feel like if I took that away from you?

She could feel it. Her love for everything she wanted in life, slipping away. Her will for justice, her determination for her friendships, and her love for Scaramouche. Her face was slowly getting angry. Her emotions of love, disappearing. He took a step in front of her. Their faces so close. She stood frozen. He lifted some of the fabric from her body. Admiring the burn marks he made on her form

Scaramouche: I can't deny how nice you look with those marks on your skin.
Y/n: they'd look better on you! Once I slice a knife into your throat!!
Scaramouche: hahahaha there it is!!! The pure anger I've been waiting to see! The loss of all hope! The loss of everything you've ever cared for!
Y/n: what I ever saw in you I will never understand!!!

He stops crushing the vision for a moment. The vision going back to its normal blue. She tries to catch her breath as the pain in her heart stops

Y/n: please!! Don't do this!
Scaramouche: why shouldn't I?! And just when I started to think I could have feelings for you! You ran from me!
Y/n: I didn't have a choice!
Scaramouche: you always have a choice Mizu!
Y/n: when have I ever had a choice with you?!?!
Scaramouche: how about when you supposedly fell for me?!
Y/n: you're not him though... and you never will be!

He pushed y/n to the ground. She landed on her back, and the artefact Scaramouche gave to her fell out of her pocket onto the ground. Scaramouche stood there in shock at seeing the object. He then looked back at y/n. His teeth once again gritting as he saw the artefact in front of him

Scaramouche: WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!?!
Y/n: W-What?!
Scaramouche: DID YOU STEAL IT FROM ME?!?!
Y/n: no! I would never!
Scaramouche: YOU FILTHY LIAR!!

He slapped her across the face. She then started to cry from him hurting her. Her face looking away from him as her tears grew stronger and stronger. He then reached for the artefact and grabbed it. Kneeling up to look at his possession. As he kept staring at it, his eyes full of rage and anger, slowly turned to eyes of fear and concern. He looked at y/n and started to tear up

Scaramouche: Y-Y/n?!

She ignored him, blocking out anything he said to her. Not realising what he said. He reached out a hand to touch her.


He pulled away his hand and looked at her

Scaramouche: y/n please... PLEASE look at me

She froze. Finally hearing what he said. Her head turned to look at him. She saw his sadness and concern

Y/n: Y-You said y/n...
Scaramouche: that's because that's who you are.
Y/n: Balladeer!

He quickly held her in a tight embrace. Leaving endless kisses on her lips. She wrapped her restrained hands around his neck. Returning his passionate kisses. He then stopped kissing her to just hold her. Putting his mouth near her ear

Scaramouche: I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't want to hurt you! Please, forgive me!
Y/n: it's ok, I know it wasn't you. You don't need to apologise. Im just glad to have you back

He broke off her chains and held her again. She then got a better hold of him. Bringing him in even closer. They kneeled in the snow. For ages. And the stormy snow weather stopped. He kept her close to his body so she wouldn't get cold.

As they kneeled down, Childe, Zhongli, Keqing, ningguang and the millelth finally make it to the area. They see them both in the snow, holding each other. As the millelth were about to charge towards them, ningguang holds out her arm

Ningguang: I don't think that'll be necessary
Childe: does this mean he's back?!
Zhongli: I think so *smiles* look how happy she is, and him as well
Childe: but what now?
Zhongli: they finally get to be together *smiles* isn't that what she always wanted?
Childe: I guess it is *smiles* woo get it Scaramouche!!!!

Scaramouche and y/n turn to their direction. Childe smirks and is in a smug standing position, with his arm resting on Zhongli's shoulder, and sending out gun signs with his opposite hand in y/n and Scaramouche's direction

Scaramouche: Damn you Childe!
Childe: *chuckles* well I guess some thing don't change

Y/n wipes away her tears and gives Scaramouche a final kiss before standing up, holding Scaramouche's hand as he stands with her. He holds her close to him, as they approach the others.

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