Taking A Stand - Chapter 9

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It's the end of the day and you have finished doing your training. You felt exhausted and were escorted back to the mansion by two of the Fatui soldiers. When you went inside the mansion, Scaramouche was there waiting for you with his arms crossed. Gesturing the two soldiers to leave you both

Scaramouche: I didn't expect you to take so long getting back here
Y/n: *smirks* aww were you waiting for me?
Scaramouche: only because I needed to tell you of a mission I need you to come with me for tomorrow!
Y/n: huh? What mission?
Scaramouche: there is someone in my troop that is a traitor to the Fatui. Giving top secret information out to particular people. I need to teach him a lesson. And I need you to come with me
Y/n: w-why?!
Scaramouche: well you need to learn how things work around here. And what better way then for a harbinger to do so? It might be how I toughen you up. I can tell you are too soft to be part of the fatui. Which is why you need to come with me
Y/n: you want me to watch you torture someone?! No! I won't be part of this!
Scaramouche: you already signed up to this remember?!
Y/n: No! I am not going!
Scaramouche: oh yes you are!! Even if I have to drag your sorry ass there!
Y/n: forget it!

You try to walk up the stairs but Scaramouche grabs your arms and pulls you towards him. He grabs your chin

Scaramouche: If you don't go, I wouldn't mind giving you another mark to match the other cheek. So I'd suggest you be a good girl for me, and do what I ask!
Y/n: do what you want! I won't go!

He gives a wicked smirk, then leans in to your ear yet again, sending shivers down your spine

Scaramouche: careful what you wish for

He leans away from you again

Scaramouche: meet me here first thing tomorrow morning. If you aren't here, then I won't hold back from taking another swing. Only this time, I'll make sure it's permanent

You snatched your arm away from him and went up the stairs to your room. He continues to look up the staircase with his grin. Luckily you didn't see it because each time you wanted to wipe that stupid smile off his face. Scaramouche then heads to his office and sits down in his chair. He places an elbow down on the desk. Leaning onto his fist. He then takes his other hand and looks at it, sparks of electricity come from his fingertips. He gives a light sigh. As he continues to look at his hand with emotionless eyes, he slowly feels his lips forming a smirk.

The next day. Scaramouche is waiting at the bottom of the stairs for y/n. Pacing back and forth. He looks at the wall clock, you didn't have much time left to be downstairs. As Scaramouche is starting to lose his patience. He sees your footsteps slowly making their way towards him

Scaramouche: *smirks* seems you came to your senses?
Y/n: I only came so I can try and convince you to reconsider hurting this Fatui member
Scaramouche: haha really? And how do you plan on doing that?!
Y/n: I-I'm not sure... I just don't want you to hurt someone innocent!
Scaramouche: innocent?! This man took an oath to the Fatui! And he betrayed it! He deserves to be punished for it!
Y/n: people don't deserve to be tortured! No matter who they are or what they did!
Scaramouche: ughhh! This is exactly why you need to come with me!! You are too caught up in your emotions!! It's what's going to kill you!! There are people who kill and there are people who get killed! The Fatui are the killers... and you... you're just a lamb in a slaughter house. You're weak and naive!! A nobody, and a real pain in my neck!
Y/n: then why am I here huh?!
Scaramouche: h-huh?!
Y/n: why do you keep me around?! Are you lonely or something?!
Scaramouche: what?! That's ridi-
Y/n: come on! There has to be a reason for it! You could have easily killed me by now?! Could have let me go even, it wouldn't have made the world of difference if you had, I'm just a "nobody" after all
Scaramouche: because you were a supposed threat to!!-
Y/n: oh cut the shit!! You and I both know I am no threat to the Fatui or anyone else for that matter! And it's clear that you have realised that I'm not from this world! So why am I really here Scaramouche?!
Scaramouche: YOU WANNA LEAVE?!?! THEN FUCKING LEAVE!!! I honestly couldn't give a shit if you were here or not!! I don't want you here! I want you gone so get the hell out!

You are startled by his response, and his rise in anger

Scaramouche: GO!

You walk a few steps backwards then run out of the mansion. A few guards try to stop you but Scaramouche gave a hand signal for them to let you go. You just kept running from the mansion. Not knowing where you were going. When you were out of sight from the mansion, Scaramouche felt his anger soon to boil to his actions, punching the wall beside him, causing a large crack to form from the force.

As you ran from the mansion you accidentally bump into a tall man with purple armour on

Man: halt!! I don't recognise you? Where are your Residential papers?!
Y/n: R-Residential papers? I-I don't!-
Man: you're coming with me ma'am!

He grabs your arm. Trying to get a hold of you

Y/n: HEY! Let go of me!!
Man: you're under arrest for illegal immigration to inazuma! You'll also be resigned from your vision, for the vision hunt decree! You have the right to remain silent!
Y/n: W-What?!

The man grabs your arms behind your back, taking your vision and pushes you away from the area. He eventually arrives at a cell located in the inazuman prison, and pushes you inside, locking the door behind. Before you could say anything, the guard had left. You looked around and see that there was no one or anything else there with you. You felt a shiver run down your body, causing you to sit down on the floor, hugging your legs, and crying into them

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