Kneeling In The Rain - Chapter 48

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Y/n is back at the docks asking around to see if anyone had seen a man who wore a purple hat, who was slightly taller then her. She had no luck though. Everyone said that the man she was describing was not seen anywhere around that day. Even though people had seen them together when they were together as a couple, they haven't really seen him since. As she was about to give up, a little girl came up to her

Girl: are you trying to find that strange man with the big hat?
Y/n: Y-Yes! Have you seen him sweetie?
Girl: yeah I saw him a while ago. He was very scary though, me and my brothers ran away from the strange grown up. He looked angry
Y/n: did you see where he went, did he say anything?
Girl: he didn't say anything but, he looked like he was going to the island in the sky.
Y/n: r-really?!


Did our paths cross?! Did he go looking for me?! Shit what is he doing here?! Whatever it is, it can't be good!-

Girl: are you Mizu?
Y/n: umm yes I am
Girl: oh oops
Y/n: oops?
Girl: my mommy and daddy told me we aren't supposed to tell Mizu anything about the strange man
Y/n: why is that?
Girl: they said that if Mizu knew about the strange man, that bad things could happen to her. I'm sorry. They wanted to protect you
Y/n: it's ok, don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong
Girl: is that man bad? Is he going to hurt you?

I couldn't scare her and tell her the truth. She was too young to realise. If I get hurt, it's not her fault. She was only trying to help

Y/n: no sweetie. But me and him have a lot to talk about

I gave her a kind smile and she returned it. She was so pure. She skipped away back home I assumed. And I headed back to the island. If he's still there. Then this could go badly. Going up that staircase I could feel my heart racing. Even though I knew he was not the same person I last saw, I was still looking forward to seeing his face again. Seeing the man I fell for. Taking that final step I went towards the building. What if Scaramouche had got a hold of Uma?! I can't let him hurt her!

She opened the door. It was quiet. No one was around? She walked forward in the room and looked to see if there was any sign of him.

Y/n: Uma?! Hello?

Where are the guards? What the hell happened here? I opened a door to one of the rooms. There in that room I saw a figure sitting in a chair, putting their feet up on a desk. Holding onto a document in their hand. As they looked towards my direction, I froze in place. Staring at them. It was him. He seemed so relaxed yet so cunning at the same time. I couldn't speak, I couldn't breath... I couldn't take my eyes off him. Scaramouche... you're here. His mischievous smile curling up as they brought their full attention on me

Scaramouche: so you are the famous Mizu I heard so much about

Mizu... he called me Mizu... the one person to never call me by that name, suddenly says it so casually

Scaramouche: I must say, it took a lot of courage to do what you did. Impressive really
Y/n: what do you want Scaramouche?!
Scaramouche: oh so you're familiar with who I am?
Y/n: I guess you could say that
Scaramouche: *chuckles* well, that does make this easier. I am assuming you already know why I am here then
Y/n: revenge
Scaramouche: haha you are really good at this game. That, or Childe has spoken with you... and by the way you are looking at me, I guess my assumptions are correct
Y/n: ...

He snickers and walks towards y/n. Face to face with her, looking down at her figure. The closeness between them, made y/n feel weak. Made her want to just hold him, as if nothing bad had happened between them. He held a strand of her hair and played with it. Showing who was the one in charge there

Scaramouche: in one way I should be thanking you for what you did. I've never felt so powerful before. But... I can't ignore the fact you killed her majesty. And from the tales I was told about your relationship all those years ago. It's disrespectful. What justice do you really fight for?
Y/n: listen, I know this is all confusing, but I didn't kill her!
Scaramouche: LIAR!!!

Scaramouche slapped her face

Y/n: you can believe whatever you want Scaramouche. But, if you want to really talk about this, or fight over this. I won't do it here. I won't let you get others involved
Scaramouche: whatever works. I don't mind what battleground you choose. I will kill you for what you did
Y/n: ... I'm not going to hurt you Balladeer
Scaramouche: ...HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME?! He told you didn't he?!!
Y/n: *sighs* yes
Scaramouche: you know, if you don't want to hurt me that's fine, just makes my life easier
Y/n: then follow me

He was confused but did it anyways. Eventually they both arrive at what seems to be a ruins. The rain thrashing down upon the land

Scaramouche: what is this place?
Y/n: old Fontaine. It's where I first lived when I came to this world... but it was destroyed in the archon war... it's abandoned now. So you won't have any distractions.
Scaramouche: good

Y/n sits down on the old stone wall

Scaramouche: what are you doing?!
Y/n: I told you I'm not going to hurt you
Scaramouche: so you're just going to sit there?!
Y/n: yes... oh also you might want to take my gnosis. But just so you know, once it is removed I'll instantly die
Scaramouche: w-what?
Y/n: go ahead... I got to see you again. That's all I wanted
Scaramouche: again? What do you mean again?!
Y/n: doesn't matter. Are you going to kill me now or not?

Scaramouche stared down at her. He is hesitant about taking the gnosis

Y/n: what are you waiting for?
Scaramouche: it's not really revenge if you practically have a death wish!
Y/n: then what do you want?! Do you want me to beg for you to spare my life?! Want me to get on my knees like this?!

She kneels down in front of him

Y/n: or do you want me to kiss your shoes?! Is that it?!
Scaramouche: what the hell is wrong with you?!
Y/n: I don't know! I just know that these last three months have been the most painful three months of my life!! I can't sleep! I can't eat! And I can't even communicate with anyone anymore. Everything I do seems pointless! So just get it over with and kill me!

She stops and feels the tears on her cheeks. Surprised from her confession. How she admitted what she wanted. How she admitted to the man she loved that she wanted it all to end. Not like he would know anything about her feelings.

Scaramouche: ... im not going to kill you...
Y/n: w-what?
Scaramouche: it's not really revenge if that's what you are wanting... so stay here... suffer... that seems like a better way of torture for you
Y/n: can I ask you something?... are you- are you happy?
Scaramouche: what?
Y/n: are you happy? Other then seeking out revenge... are you happy being in Snezhnaya, taking lead of the nation?
Scaramouche: why do you care?!
Y/n: because... nothing would hurt me more then for you tell me that you weren't... I want your happiness Scaramouche. Even if it's without me..
Scaramouche: you're crazy
Y/n: maybe... but I'd still like to know
Scaramouche: I don't feel happiness. I don't feel emotions like that. That's not in the cards for me
Y/n: it can be... you can find happiness
Scaramouche: why do you care?!
Y/n: because ... I-I love you...

He stares at her! Surprised. Unsure of what to say. Unsure of how to feel. Her kneeling form in front of him, dripping from the cold rain.

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