A Way Out - Chapter 56

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It has been a couple of days. Y/n has been hiding out in Liyue, she has been staying in an abandoned house outside of the city. It was a little bit of a distance but it was safe and not near anyone. Even though the house was abandoned, it wasn't old and broken down. The only issues with it was that it had some moss over grown on the inside and it was cold since the fire place was not usable.

Y/n was reading one of the books left behind. It was a fictional book that was very similar to one she had read from her world called "the princess and the frog". But instead of a frog it was a little black cat, and the princess was actually a peasant girl from a village. The book goes on about how the peasant girl was so unlucky that she accepted her fate as being a walking bad omen.

So when she saw the black cat, which represents bad luck, she faced the consequences and gave the cat a little peck on the head. And that's when her luck changed. The cat transformed into the lost prince. They got married and her luck changed for the better after that. Y/n sighed once she finished the book and tossed it aside. Yet another fairytale. Y/n felt similar to the peasant girl, she could relate to her. But instead of having the black cat turn into a prince. It just caused more problems.

Y/n then heard a knock at the door. Being uneasy she slowly stepped towards the door, listening in to see who it is. She waited for a voice to confirm their identity

Childe: y/n, come on open up!

Y/n huffed and opened the door

Y/n: I thought I told you to knock and say it's you straight after. You worried me for a second
Childe: I wanted to give you enough time to get to the door
Y/n: *sighs* did anyone see you?
Childe: no they didn't

Y/n let's Childe in and closes the door behind. Childe then heads to the table and puts something down

Y/n: is that food?
Childe: yep, thought we could hang out and eat
Y/n: well I'm not going to turn that request down *smiles*
Childe: glad to hear

Childe takes out the food in a bag and puts it out onto the table. They both started eating their food. Y/n looks up and sees Childe struggling with his chopsticks

Y/n: *chuckles* I can't believe you still don't know how to use chopsticks
Childe: they're hard to use ok!!
Y/n: *chuckles* here let me help you

Y/n helped Childe change his grip on the chopsticks, trying to help him get a better hold on them.

Y/n: better?
Childe: yeah, thanks
Y/n: you're welcome. Just a bit of practice, you'll get used to it
Childe: didn't think you'd be teaching a grown man how to use a utensil did you?
Y/n: umm no not really *chuckles*
Childe: so, how have you been holding up these last couple of days?
Y/n: not amazing, but I'm doing better then I was I guess. How have you been in Fontaine? Is everything ok there?
Childe: *sighs* you mean have I seen Scaramouche don't you?
Y/n: no not at all... but since you brought it up?
Childe: I haven't seen him. And even if I had. He's better off there then here.
Y/n: yeah you're right.

Childe sees y/n isn't eating anymore. He lifts up his chin and gives a kind smile

Childe: hey cheer up girlie, would be a shame to have a smile like yours go to waste
Y/n: *chuckles* smooth as ever childe
Childe: that's just who I am. Now eat, before your food gets cold
Y/n: ok mom
Childe: hey!
Y/n: *chuckles*

After a while it had gotten pretty late and Childe was about to leave the house

Y/n: are you sure you don't want to stay here?
Childe: no it's fine. I really should be out there making sure Scaramouche doesn't find traces back here to you. For now you're safe here. But who knows if we have to relocate you
Y/n: how long do I have to keep hiding Childe? I can't do it forever
Childe: right now, I don't know. You and I both know he's very persistent. But as soon as this blows over. Drinks are on me

Y/n let's out a little snicker and Childe leaves the house and heads back into Liyue. It gets late and y/n heads to bed. She is about to get into the sheets when she heard her door knock. She quietly went down the stairs and listened to the door. Being careful in case it wasn't Childe again. As she listened to the door, she started to hear a weird noise. Like something was cracking. Under realisation y/n jumps away from the door and ducks into a crouched position. The door had flew open. There was ice on the door knob and lock. It was broken so the door would easily open. Y/n quickly stood back up and tried to run. But before she could, she felt two Fatui agents grab her. She tried to use her elemental powers but it was no use, as they got a hold of her, she saw someone approach her. She looked up and saw Signora. Smiling at her grand success.

Signora: that Childe needs to be careful where he leaves his tracks. *sighs* was almost too easy... nice to see you again Mizu. It's always a pleasure
Y/n: Signora please. Please don't do this!
Signora: and why shouldn't I?
Y/n: you and I both know I wasn't the one to kill the Tsaritsa. And we are both aware of my relationship with Scaramouche before his memories were erased.
Signora: listen, me and Scaramouche may not get along, and I didn't exactly agree with Tsaritsa's methods when I learnt the truth. But Scaramouche is finally making sense. He wants to take the gnosises and make teyvat a better place. A place where it relies on strength, and not on the weak. Teyvat was and always should be a battleground. A place to show what we are capable of. If there is only Scaramouche as an archon. People will look up to him and the Fatui. We would be unstoppable
Y/n: do you hear yourself?! You want a place of destruction, you want a world where everyone is fighting for their last meal! What about peace and justice!?!
Signora: peace is just a make believe story. It doesn't exist. There will always be someone who tries to break the peace. So why stand for it? Why not just let it all crumble. Because if everyone does it, isn't that peace?
Y/n: no! It's chaos! It's completely insane!
Signora: *chuckles* you're so naive Mizu. But I do like that about you. You know, I don't have to give you to Scaramouche. I don't care about that assignment. But, only if you do something for me
Y/n: what do you want?
Signora: I want you to never show your face again. I want you to disappear
Y/n: and how exactly am I supposed to do that?
Signora: I'm part of the fatui dear y/n. We are the only ones who can get in and out of Inazuma with no trouble. Scaramouche doesn't have agents there looking for you because he believes you won't be able to get there. Well I can help change that. I can sneak you on board the next boat
Y/n: why would you do that for me?
Signora: because, if he does find you, and you are able to change him again. All these new plans will most likely disappear. And I can't have that. So... do we have a deal?
Y/n: fine. You got a deal

Signora smiles and signals for her guards to let go of y/n

Signora: they'll be someone here tomorrow to take you to the ship to Inazuma. Be sure to pack light. Goodbye Mizu

Signora waves goodbye and leaves with her agents

(We are really close to the end of the fan fic now. Thank you all for the support I have received on this and my other fan fictions. It is greatly appreciated. Once this fan fiction is complete, I will return after a couple of weeks to continue Childe's story. After that I have some plans for future stories, so be sure to follow for updates on my upcoming fan fics. Thanks again everyone)

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