Mizu's Past - Chapter 23

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You are in bed sleeping. Scaramouche however is sitting on a couch going through some documents for work. He hears you moving around in your sleep, maybe you were having another dream. He goes over to you and shakes your arm trying to wake you up. You then gasp as you wake from your slumber. You see Scaramouche there in front of you. You then sink your face in the pillow

Scaramouche: hey? What's wrong? Was it "Mizu" again?
Y/n: no... it was just a nightmare
Scaramouche: what happened?
Y/n: I was... home and I saw, I saw myself with my dad... he was so disappointed in me. He was just yelling at me. Telling me I was a failure because I gave up so much... he said I was selfish for leaving my people
Scaramouche: it was just a dream, he wouldn't be disappointed in you... I'm sure he's actually proud of you
Y/n: yeah well I wouldn't know...
Scaramouche: because he was in a different world?
Y/n: well yeah but, he actually died when I was 9... I didn't really get the chance to really get to know him...
Scaramouche: I knew Mizu had a hard life before becoming an archon. But I never really knew what actually happened to her... so what did happen?
Y/n: I... I just had a bad home life... not much more to tell
Scaramouche: there has to be more
Y/n: well... *sighs* my mother never really loved me... and like I said before my father died when I was 9, he got sick, and right before I came to this world I was kicked out of my home, but I think that was also a remark to never show my face again
Scaramouche: I-I'm so sorry
Y/n: the thing is. Knowing now that it was thousands of years ago, it's weird but I just don't really care anymore, of course I still miss my dad, but my mother never really gave me a chance and...
Scaramouche: what?
Y/n: ... my boss tried to use me just Because I was a woman... *sighs* I never told anyone this before... but yeah he umm, was very aggressive and didn't appreciate me, so he tried to put me to "good use"
Scaramouche: I didn't realise... I *sighs* this is why I'm scared for you y/n... I don't want people to get the wrong impression from what you wear
Y/n: I know and I appreciate it... but if someone actually has an Issue with it, it's their problem not mine. I shouldnt have to be scared of what I wear
Scaramouche: i know I just... I want you to be safe
Y/n: you've helped me be more confident Scaramouche... you taught me how to control my power... you already help keep me safe. I'll improve but you don't have to be SO protective over me. Just trust me, ok?
Scaramouche: *smiles* I do trust you.

He kisses you. When he pulls away his smile turns into a frown

Scaramouche: I wish I could have protected you back then...
Y/n: *chuckles* well I am 6000 years older then you, so I doubt you'd be able to
Scaramouche: *chuckles* well technically you haven't aged since then, so TECHNICALLY you're still 18, so I'm actually older then you
Y/n: gosh, you don't like the fact you're with an older woman do you? *smirks*
Scaramouche: age is just a number my dear y/n *smirks*

He kisses you on your lips

Y/n: ha, pedo *smirks*
Scaramouche: I'm not a pedo!!!
Y/n: *chuckles* I'm only joking. I know you're not
Scaramouche: you'll pay for that

He evilly grins at you and pins you to the bed. He then thrusts his lips on your neck and you start to laugh at his response. When morning came you both got changed and headed out of the room for breakfast. You sat eating your food in the hotel

Scaramouche POV

*sighs* I need to get y/n to come see Uma with me today. I need the gnosis but she's the only one that might be able to convince Uma for it. I don't think y/n is going to want to help... not even if it is for me... she'd be letting her people down.

If I don't get that gnosis, I'll be surely killed by the Tsaritsa. This is my last chance. Even if this means y/n will forever hate me.

Scaramouche: y/n, I think today we should go speak to Uma
Y/n: y-you do?
Scaramouche: yeah... you can then learn more about your past. That's what you wanted isn't it?
Y/n: yeah but I don't know if I'm ready to-

You were interrupted by a fatui soldier

Soldier: my lord-
Scaramouche: can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation?!?! What is with you low life's always interrupting us?!?!
Soldier: a thousand apologies my lord, but I was asked by Signora to bring you to her
Scaramouche: she's here?!?! *sighs* take me to her then you worthless scum!!!

The soldier starts to leave the room, Scaramouche stands from his chair ands look at you

Scaramouche: I won't be long
Y/n: that's ok, take your time *smiles*

Scaramouche gives y/n a kiss on the cheek and leaves with the Fatui soldier. He then walks down a hallway till he turns to a door that leads to a meeting room. There in the room was Signora on her own, waiting for Scaramouche

Signora: leave us!

The soldier bows then leaves the room and closes the door behind him

Scaramouche: don't you think 3 harbingers is a bit much for this?!
Signora: I only came to make sure everything went smoothly. Childe is too caring to push y/n, and you've gone soft since you've met her
Scaramouche: believe me, I want that gnosis too. I am very aware of the thin line I am on
Signora: if y/n wasn't Mizu, your head would be on a platter for the Tsaritsa right now. And I wouldn't mind being the one to deliver it
Scaramouche: I'm aware
Signora: *smirks* you must be very proud of yourself to get yourself an archon as a girlfriend
Scaramouche: that's not her anymore!
Signora: that may be so... doesn't mean that she is any less useful

Scaramouche looks down, trying to hide his face from Signora

Signora: if I see things go south with Uma... I'll make y/n get that gnosis myself! Understood?
Scaramouche: you do realise I don't take orders from you?! I'm at a higher ranking as a harbinger!
Signora: we will see about that

Signora leaves the room with a smirk on her face. Leaving Scaramouche with his hands in fists, and his face turning red with anger. He couldn't stand Signora. And couldn't stand what she was making him do

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