Confiding In Childe - Chapter 44

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It's a few days later in the morning. Scaramouche and y/n are in bed. Scaramouche is embracing her in his arms and kissing her bare shoulder as she lays on her side. His lips move from her shoulder to her neck. Whispering sweet nothings into her skin. A faint smile spread across her face, as she enjoys the feel of his touch.

Y/n: good morning to you too *chuckles* what's got you so passionate this morning?
Scaramouche: seeing how attractive you look in the morning.
Y/n: let me guess, with no clothes on? *smirks*
Scaramouche: see, you get it *smirks*

He continues to kiss y/n all over her body, moving her onto her back so he can look at her while he kisses her body. She places her hands in his hair and gently grabs it. His kisses soon turning into light bites, the harder she pulled his hair, the harder he would bite her. *knock knock knock* their movements stop and hear the front door being knocked on. Y/n quickly throws on a shirt and Scaramouche puts on some pants, rushing to the door. When they open the door, they see Childe there, leaning on the doorway with a friendly smile

Scaramouche: Childe?
Y/n: you're finally back!
Childe: *chuckles* was I interrupting something?

They both look at their rushed attempt at putting clothes on

Y/n: umm I'll go get changed

Y/n heads to the bedroom to get changed, leaving Scaramouche with Childe

Childe: ... can I come in? *smirks*

Scaramouche steps aside for him to enter and closes the door behind. Childe makes himself comfortable by sitting at the table and putting his feet up

Scaramouche: so did you deliver them all?
Childe: well all except the Tsaritsa's obviously
Scaramouche: good, because we need it
Childe: what do you mean you need it? Have you found someone else to be the cryo archon?
Scaramouche: no, we just need it for different purposes
Childe: which are?

Y/n comes back into the room now dressed in her regular clothes

Y/n: -to heal me
Childe: what do you mean?

Scaramouche and y/n explain the whole situation to Childe, on how y/n needed to see if she could heal her wound and be mortal again

Childe: you really think that'll work?
Y/n: It's definitely worth a try
Childe: well how do you suppose we get there? The closest teleporter to Snezhnaya is Natlan. Even then it's at least a day or two trip on foot
Y/n: we could ask Uma to take us?
Scaramouche: not all three of us could get on her water kelpie form
Childe: awww you want me there too Scaramouche?
Scaramouche: No! (*under breath* I just don't know if I can keep them under control for too long, and I need someone to protect y/n)
Childe: what's that?
Scaramouche: doesn't matter... what about Osial?
Y/n: would that be a good idea? To take him away from Fontaine? What if something bad happens while we're gone, with the hydro gnosis bare in mind. We wouldn't be able to control the whirl pool.
Childe: I'm pretty sure Uma could control it for a couple hours. Her none archon hydro powers could be enough to restrain it for a short amount of time
Y/n: I guess that's true... *sighs* so it's settled then... I will go tell her the plan. I'll be back soon
Childe: don't you want us to come too?
Scaramouche: she's more then capable of talking to Uma on her own Childe
Childe: I know *smirks* just thought she might like some different company around
Y/n: I'll catch up with you later Childe, you two should do the same while I'm gone
Childe: yeah cause Scaramouche is all about telling me gossip *sarcastic*
Scaramouche: actually there is something I need to tell you
Childe: wait what?
Y/n: ok great, see you both soon

Y/n leaves the building and heads over to see Uma. When she closes the door behind her, Scaramouche sits down at the table next to Childe and intertwines his fingers onto the table. Childe sits up and looks at Scaramouche with a confused expression

Childe: what's up?
Scaramouche: I need your help
Childe: what with?
Scaramouche: *sighs* you betrayed me and Y/n once before. I need to know for a fact that you won't EVER do that again
Childe: I promise... now what's going on?
Scaramouche: I... there's this... voice in my head. It's trying to take over me, trying to possibly hurt y/n. And I can't have that happen. I am trying to keep this person at bay but I can't guarantee I can do so for long... no matter what happens when I grab that gnosis... promise me you won't let myself hurt her
Childe: I-
Scaramouche: PROMISE ME CHILDE!!! I can't let anything else bad happen to her...
Childe: I promise...

They sit in silence for a short moment

Childe: who do you think this person is? The one trying to control you?
Scaramouche: I'm not sure... whoever it is... they are not going to be gentle with their actions, and they really want this cryo gnosis
Childe: I don't want y/n hurt either but do you think it's a good idea for you to hold onto the gnosis if there's a chance that this... person could use it to hurt y/n?
Scaramouche: I don't think I have a choice in that decision... this voice, will make sure that they have it, in one way or another
Childe: *sighs* ok. But at-least try to fight it, we don't know why the voice wants the gnosis
Scaramouche: I AM trying. But it's not easy. It's taking all my energy right now to keep them at bay... and I don't think they are even trying...
Childe: ok... we will figure it out
Scaramouche: is the gnosis in a safe place right now?
Childe: yes it's-
Scaramouche: -no, don't tell me. It might be the bit of information that makes them control me again
Childe: right. Good point

After a little bit more time of the two men talking, eventually Y/n comes back with a smile on her face

Y/n: hi
Childe: umm what did Uma say about the whirl pool
Y/n: well she said that she should be fine to control it but no more then two hours. So, what ever we have to do in Snezhnaya, we need to be fast
Scaramouche: we will, I know how important Fontaine is to you

Y/n noticed how on edge Childe and Scaramouche looked

Y/n: what's going on? Did I interrupt something? *smirks*
Scaramouche: no not at all

Scaramouche stands up and kisses y/n on the cheek then heads to the bathroom. Y/n then looks at Childe who tries to avoid eye contact.

Y/n: Childe... what's happening? Is Scaramouche ok?
Childe: yeah of course he is *nervously smiles*

Scaramouche is leaning on the sink, panting as if out of breath, trying to compose himself. He looks at the wall, his anger builds up and he punches the wall. He then turns his head up and at the mirror. His eyes turning back grey, and his mouth forming a smirk.

Scaramouche: it's my turn now

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