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At his house Zak was sitting outside thinking when Aaron and the guys come in through the back.  "Zak you ready for the party?".  "I'm not going" Zak replied.  "Why not?".  "Something happened between Ryan and I.  I just can't shake it".  "What happened?".  "A few days ago I was feeling depressed so Ryan took me for a drive.  She took me to the edge of town where you can see all of the stars.  We sat on her car just starring at them talking than before I knew it something took over and I kissed her" Zak replied. 

"Like on the check?"Jay inquired.  "On her mouth she was so shocked and so was I.  We decided to go back to the house and yesterday she quit being my chef but told me she'd still watch the house when I'm gone that's it".  "Apologize to her tell Ryan it was an attachment".  "I can't lie to her Aaron I love Ryan"he replied.  "Are you sure this isn't like a crush?". 

"I'm serious guys I've had dreams of marrying her, adopting Sam as my own child, and us growing old together.".  "Why don't you tell her this".  "She wouldn't understand so just go but give her this from me" Zak remarked and gave them a gift.   Outside Ryan came over with Jeff.  "Thanks for coming to dinner you know Nicole makes way too much food".  "Maybe you should bring some of those left over with you when you drive Zak around" she replied. 

He opened the door and everyone yelled surprise.  "OH MY GOD!"she said as everyone wished her a happy birthday.  As the party went on it was time to open gifts and they were all good but she saw the gift from Zak.  "Where's Zak anyway?" Ryan asked Aaron.  "He had to do some stuff at the haunted museum tonight" he replied but Ryan knew the real reason.  

She opened the box and she lost her breath.  "What is it?".  "It's a locket" she stated.  Ryan opened it and in it were pictures of Sam and Jeff.  "That's beautiful" as Jeff put it on her.  Ryan got up and looked at it in the mirror.  As she looked at it she saw something in the mirror.  It was Zak in his bedroom with Gracie. 

  I messed up Gracie I let my feelings for Ryan override my head.  I shouldn't of kissed her like I did but it felt so right at the time.  I could see us getting married, me adopting Sam as my own son, us growing old together but I guess they'll never come true

"Ryan you all right?"Billy asked putting her hand on her shoulder.  "Yeah I just need to use the bathroom" and left as Aaron followed her.  Ryan stopped in the hall as her heart pounded.  "Ryan what's wrong you look like you were in a trance?" Aaron inquired as she turned around.  "When I looked into the mirror to admire the locket I saw Zak talking to Gracie saying he screwed up by kissing me that night.  That he loves me and he had visions of us getting married, him adopting Sam as his own and growing old together what if I made a mistake Aaron"she stated. 

"Ryan do you have feelings for Zak?".  "Yeah I just wasn't expecting it and I took it the wrong way maybe I should go talk to Zak and tell him how I feel" he remarked.   At his house Zak was about to go to bed when the door opened.  "Zak where are you?"a voice called out.  Zak got up and saw Ryan standing there.  

"Ryan what are you doing here?" coming down the stairs.  "Because I had to do something before I regretted it,"she replied.  She walked up to Zak and kissed him.  After she did that Zak just stood there.  "Zak I love you I guess with everything I've been through I guess I've been in a fog but now I'm wide awake"she remarked putting her hand on his heart.  Zak didn't know what to say expect to kiss her back. 

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