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The next day the guys were waiting for Zak.  "I wonder where Zak is?"Aaron inquired looking at his watch.  "Probably having some fun with his wife"Billy suggested.  The door opened and Zak came in.  "Sorry guys traffic was a mess".  "We thought you were upstairs with Ryan"Jay said.  "I drove her to the airport early this morning something important came up"Zak replied. 

"Guys why don't you get the car I want to talk to Zak for a second" and Billy and Jay left.  "All right Zak last time I saw you like this you married Ryan now what was so important that Ryan had to go back to Las Vegas?"Aaron asked.  "It's a surprise now let's go" and they left.  A few weeks went by and the guys were invited to the court house.

The guys got there and saw Zak's sisters and mother.  "What are you guys doing here?"Sharon asked.  "Zak asked us to come why I don't know" Billy replied.  "I see you guys came"Zak stated walking over with Ryan and Sam.  "What's going on Zak why are we all here?"his mother inquired.  "Well today's the day my adoption of Ryan's son becomes offical"Zak replied putting his hands on Sam. 

"Back up what about her ex who's in jail.  Won't he be upset at this?"Aaron inquired.  "No I had his rights taking away from him he has no recourse on invaliding this adoption" Ryan stated. "Zak Bagans and Samuel"  Everyone went in and Zak and Sam went to the judge as everyone sat in the gallery.  "Mr. Bagans you have fulfilled everything that this court has asked of you for your adoption to Samuel here".  "Yes your honor".  "Samuel are you happy with Zak being your father".  "Yes I consider him my daddy anyway" as the judge snickered.  

"Well I see no recourse but to approve this adoption congratulation" the judge remarked as she banged her gavel.  Zak picked up Sam and hugged him as tears fell down his face.  As they came into the gallery everyone hugged them.  "Zak you made the right choice with this adoption" his mother remarked.  "I love Sam like he's my own before this adoption came to mind mom".  "She's grandma to me?" Sam asked Zak.  "Only if you want to be" she replied. 

"Grandma" holding out his arms for a hug which Nancy did.  "Sam these are my sisters your aunts" Zak introduced them.  "You also have some cousins who you'll meet soon Sam"Mary stated.  "Come on let's go grab a bite my treat"Nancy remarked.  As they were leaving Ryan saw her ex's sister.  "I'll be right back" and walked over.  "Ashley what are you doing here?".  

"So it's true you took away my brother's rights to his own son so your new husband could adopt him" she remarked.  "I did it because he wasn't a good father he took his son to one of his robberies that got him arrested.  Zak's more a father to Sam and he isn't even his birth father"Ryan replied.  Zak came from around the corner and saw Ryan and another lady arguing. 

Ryan turned around and started to leave untill the other woman grabbed a gun from an officer.  Zak ran to shield Ryan as Ashley fired the gun Zak felt it hit him.  Zak stepped back as blood covered his shirt.  Ryan fell to the ground as the bullet had gone through Zak into Ryan.

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