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The next day Zak woke up to find Ryan wasn't in bed with him.  He got up and looked around to find a quiet house which freaked him out a little but a note on the table that said: I'M AT THE HOSPITAL WITH KATHLEEN SAM'S WITH JEFF SO YOU CAN DECOMPRESS-LOVE RYAN💖💖.  Zak smiled as he went outside to see Gracie enjoying the outdoors.  When Ryan got home she found Zak outside playing fetch with Gracie.  "How are you?" she asked.  "Good how's Kathleen?" as Ryan sat next to Zak.  "Better the doctor said we can probably take her home tomorrow"she replied as she kissed Zak.  "Ryan there's something I wanted to ask you last night about but Kathleen getting sick put it on hold".

"Zakary if you're still worried about Kathleen being yours-".  "No it's not that at all.  It's something different" Zak said getting up.  Zak went into his pocket and took out a ring box.  "Ryan you've woke me up from thoughts that I wouldn't get married or be a father so I would like to remarry you".  Zak opened the box as tears fell down her face.  "Zak this is beautiful than what you gave me the first time you asked me to marry you".  "So you'll marry me again?"  "Yes Zak I will marry you" and kissed him as Gracie barked which made them both chuckle.

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