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When Zak got home Ryan was waiting for him.  "Zak where have you been I was started to get nervous.".  "At lunch my mom surprised me by having my sisters come down but when they mentioned us having kids in the future, I just wanted to run away but I told them my mother started tearing telling me that the doctors told my parents that this might happened to me.  My mom told me she wishes there was another way for them to get rid of the bad marrow in me at the time" Zak remarked sitting down. 

"Well Sam has something he wanted me to give you" and showed Zak a picture he drew of him and Zak swinging and at the bottom it read:  ME AND MY DAD SWINGING.  "You see Zak even thou we can't have a child together you are a great father to my son and Sam loves you like you are his father".  

"But what if your ex gets out of jail and wants custody of Sam" he stated.  Ryan didn't know what to say to Zak about that.  "I'm going to my office" and Zak went upstairs.  The next morning Ryan had breakfast with Jeff.  "I feel so bad for Zak his past ruined his chances of becoming a father and I'd give anything for him to be Sam's father".  "What does Joseph think of this"Jeff asked.

"I haven't talked or seen that creep since he's been in jail" she replied.  "Why don't you talk to a lawyer about having his rights as Sam's father removed, I mean taking your son to a robbery great parenting" Jeff suggested.  "Jeff you are a genius".  A few weeks went by, and Zak was out of town filming when Aaron told him he had company.  Zak turned and saw Ryan there smiling.  Zak walked over and gave her a hug that lifted her off the ground.  "Ryan what are you doing here?".  

"I was curious about what you do so I found out where you were filming, let Jeff watch Gracie and Sam and came down to see my husband at work" with a smile.  Zak smiled back as Aaron came over.  "Hey, I see the little woman came down". "Very funny Aaron"Ryan stated.  "Zak we're done with interviews why don't you and Ryan split".  "All right but call me if they need me"Zak remarked and they left.  At the hotel Zak and Ryan were shaking the bed loud until they came up for air.  "I don't think we ever went this hard even on our first night as husband and wife"Zak remarked getting a bottle of water. 

"You're like the Energizer Bunny Zak you can keep going and going-" as Zak spit his water out as he laughed. "Don't make me laugh while I'm drinking," he replied as he went into the bathroom. While Zak was in the bathroom Ryan got an envelope from her bag and got back into bed before Zak came back.  "You ready for round three?" as Zak got into bed.  

"Before we do I have a surprise for you" and gave him the envelope.  Zak sat up and opened them.  When he saw what they were his jaw was on the floor.  "Are these adoption papers?". "I talked to my lawyer, and she agreed to have my ex's parental rights taking away and the judge agreed when he heard why Joseph was in jail so after that mess was taking care of my lawyer and I started on the adoption papers so you can be Sam's legal father". 

Tears fell down his face and kissed his wife.  "This has really made me happy Ryan" as Ryan smiled at him.  "Do you want to sign them and when we get back to Vegas, I'll file them with the courts" she said.  "You got a pen or should I sign it in blood" Zak asked jokily.  Ryan chuckled as she gave Zak a pen.

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