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A few weeks passed and Ryan is at an appointment for a check up.  "Everything seems to be healing" she remarked as Ryan smiled.  "Thank god" as Ryan sat up.  Then a nurse came in with some test results.  The doctor looked a little shocked by some results.  "Something wrong doc do I have an infection or something?" she inquired.  "Well according to these result you're ten weeks pregnant". 

Ryan felt ready to faint.  "That can't be my husband and I can't have kids" Ryan replied in shocked.  "Let me do an ultrasound".  The doctor did the ultrasound and there on the screen is a ten week old fetus.  Ryan started to cry not in happiness but in fear that when Zak finds out he's going right straight to cheating on him and divorce her.

"Doc when I can I do an amino?".  "Not until your twenty weeks" he replied.  As she drove home tears fell down her face she and Zak were so happy together but untill she can prove this baby is Zak she can't let Zak know which scared her to death.  At the facility Zak was working on a few things when his phone call rang.  "Hello".  "Oh Mr. Bagans this is the nurse at your wife's doctor's office she forgot her prescription for prenatal vitamin".  "Excuse me I think you have the wrong person my wife and I can't have kids"Zak remarked.

"Ryan Louisa Bagans I have the right person she's ten weeks pregnant".  Zak slammed down the phone as he ran his hands through his hair.  He than got up and tipped his desk onto the floor.  Zak grabbed his keys and left.  At the house Ryan was on the phone with Jeff.  "Jeff what am I going to do if Zak finds out I'm pregnant before I can prove this baby is his Zak's going to think I cheated on him" she remarked.  "Ryan you can only hide that pregnancy for so long before Zak figures it out".

"RYAN!!"A voice yelled.  Ryan came out of the bed room and saw Zak mad as hell.  "Zak what's wrong you look possessed"she said nervously "After everything we've been through how could you cheat on me"he remarked.  How did he find out.  "Zak you have it all wrong I didn't cheat on you I swear" she stated.  "Than why did you need a prescription for prenatal vitamins?"he asked.  "Zak it's a miracle this child is ours and I swear when I'm farther along I'll prove it to you"Ryan replied as her heart started to pound when she saw Zak was balling his hands in fists.

"I WANT YOU OUT NOW!!"he yelled.  Ryan scared for her life ran into the bedroom and locked the door as Zak ran up the stairs infuriated.  Zak banged on the door yelling obscenities so loud that Ryan called Jeff to come to the house.  When Jeff got there Aaron was just pulling up.  "What's going on?".  Then they heard a gun go off and screaming.  They ran in to see Zak shooting a gun at the bed room door.  "Get out here you cheater!" Zak called out. 

"ZAKARY ARE YOU NUTS?"Aaron yelled.  "Ryan cheated on me and now she's pregnant with that cheater's baby I want her out now!!" ready to shoot again.  "ZAK PLEASE STOP!!" Ryan yelled from the bedroom. Jeff and Aaron ran up the stairs as Aaron grabbed the gun from Zak as Jeff knocked on the door.  "Ryan let me in Zak's disarmed".  She opened the door a little shaking.  "Aaron take Zak to his office and lock the door" Jeff stated. 

"Come on let's cool down".  "Not until that cheater is out of my house and my life"Zak replied as Aaron took him to the office.  She opened the door and hugged her brother as Aaron walked over.  "I locked the door".  "Aaron I swear I didn't cheat on Zak" she replied in-between her tears.  "Come on I'll take you to my house" and they left.

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