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Zak sat down ready to blow.  "Sam why don't you and Kathy go upstairs and watch some cartoons?" Jeff suggested.  After the kids were gone Jeff sat down as Zak instead got up ready to slam anything.  Zak swore as he threw a vase through a window than he fell to the floor crying.  "Zak what's going on?". 

"Ryan's ex-husband kidnapped her and now he wants a trade Sam for Ryan and if I don't, he'll kill Ryan.  I I I don't know what to do" Zak replied.  "First we need to call the police and find out where he is?".  Then Zak's phone beeped.  He took it out of his pocket and saw it was video from the haunted museum.

"Oh my god he's in the haunted museum"Zak remarked.  "Zak you have the upper hand in this you created that place.  I know you have secret passages in certain exhibits" Jeff stated. Zak dialed a number.  "Mom, do you still have that number of that cop you dated.  Really, can you give it to me I got something that make his day" as he wrote it down. 

At the museum Zak and a couple of officers came in through the back way and went to nerve center.  "All right he's in the basement there's a secret passage that I put in for emergencies it's out of sight only if you are looking for it" Zak replied. The officer told Zak the plan and Zak agreed hoping it would work.

"Joseph, I'm here show yourself!!"he called out.  "I see you came where's Sam?"he asked coming up with a gun.  "I wanted to make sure Ryan is still alive before I brought him in"Zak replied.  Joe came up to Zak and told him to put his hands on the counter.  As Joe searched Zak for a weapon, Zak saw something on the second floor of the haunted museum.  "Dybbuk" Zak mumbled.  "All right Bagans come with me".  Joe cloaked the gun and pointed it at Zak's back.  "Let's go" and they went downstairs. 

When they got downstairs Ryan was gone.  "Where's Ryan?" he inquired aiming the gun at Zak.  "I don't know I swear".  Joseph a voice called out.  "What's that?"Joe said.  "Probably a spirit in this place you never know".  Come to me the voice called out.  "Come on Bagans"he stated, and they went back upstairs.

As Joe held the gun to Zak's back Zak looked up and saw two spirits together.  Annabelle Zak mumbled softly.  "All right Bagans where did Ryan go?".  "I think I know come with me" Zak remarked.  Joe followed Zak to a room and Zak saw the same spirits standing there next to the door.  "She's in here"Zak said.  Zak stepped back as Joe went in. "Don't kill him scare him!!"Zak mumbled.  "What's going on Bagans there's only a box in here covered in a glass box". 

Then the glass started to shake.  "Enjoy meeting the Dybbuk and Annabelle" Zak stated and shut the door.  Outside the officers were about to go back in to get Joe and Zak but Zak came out with an unconscious Joe.  

The officers were shocked as he left Joe on the ground.  Ryan smiled as she gave Zak a hug.  "Zak what happened did Joe meet Peggy?" she asked as they put him on the stretcher.  "KEEP THEM AWAY NO!!!" Joe called out as they took him away.  Then Ryan looked up and tapped Zak on his shoulder.  "Zak the window look".  He looked up and saw a spirit waving at them than smiled as it vanished.  "What was that?".  "I think one of the spirits that Joe met"Zak said as they kissed.

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