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When Zak finally opened his eyes, he was in the basement of his haunted museum.  "I was wondering how long it was going to take you to open your eyes".  Zak got up as a woman is standing infront of him.  "Who are you?".  "Who am I isn't the problem is what you're doing is the problem.  You can't see that your wife is telling you the truth that the child in her is yours" she replied.

"I see everything perfectly so when I wake up, I'm still going to divorce her, and she can raise that bastard child by herself"Zak replied with anger as he started to leave   "Don't do that dad!!".  Zak stopped in his tracks as he turns around.  "What did you say?" he asked walking back to the woman.  "The baby that's growing in your wife is me.  I'm your daughter Kathleen Grace Bagans and I'm a gift from your father.  He knows how much it hurts you emotionally that you can't have a child, so he talks to the man upstairs, and they decided to give you the one thing you never thought you'd ever have a child that you and Ryan made".

"Aaron's right"Zak muttered.  "That's why you made Uncle Aaron my god father.  Dad when you wake up apologize to mom and take her back tell her you weren't thinking straight".  "And if she doesn't take me back"Zak asked.  "She will dad she loves you that much".  Then Zak saw a shadow in the corner.  "I have to go but take my advice and apologize to mom" and she kissed her father goodbye.  Zak watched as she disappeared than Zak saw a white light and walked to it.  When he opened his eyes, a doctor was looking at his eyes. 

"Enough with the light doc" Zak stated.  "Zakary oh my god I thought I lost you"his mother said hugging him.  "What happened?".  "You had a syncopal episode due to your blood pressure being low"the doctor replied.  "Mom where's Ryan I need to talk to her before she does something she'll regret".  "She left I think her brother picked her up"she remarked.  "I have to talk to her" Zak stated getting up.  "Zak, we need to monitor you just in case your blood pressure drops again" the doctor replied.   

Zak pushed the doctor aside and ran out of the room.  He saw a taxi and got in it.  At the house Ryan was leaving to live somewhere else.  "I wish you would rethink this" her brother stated.  "I can't stay here if Zak doesn't want me or our child besides, I'm giving it up for adoption when it's born" she replied tearing up.

They were so close when the taxi hit traffic.  Zak looked on the street and saw the woman, but she was fading.  "Fuck. Here" throwing some money at the cabbie.  Zak kept running until he got to Jeff's house and a car about to pull out.  Zak ran and got infront the car which scared Jeff and Ryan.  They both got out as Jeff asked if he was crazy.  "Probably considering I just ran out of a hospital after realizing I was an ass"Zak replied. 

"Zak please I've made up my mind"Ryan said but Zak grabbed her arm to face him. "Ryan please don't do this after everything I've been through in life the one thing, I always wanted I thought I couldn't have but when I found that picture of us when we got married it hit me that maybe Aaron was right and took a fainting spell to realize it, please come home so we can raise our daughter together" Zak pleaded on his knees while holding Ryan's hand.  "You think it's a girl".  She looked at her brother and he nodded.  "All right" as she helped Zak up.  Zak kissed Ryan as Jeff smiled.  

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