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Before Zak and Ryan knew it's their wedding day.  While Ryan got ready at Zak's house the guys were at Aaron's.  As they were getting ready Zak came in drinking ginger ale.  "Why are drinking ginger ale you hate that stuff" Aaron stated.  "My stomach is on edge I guess it's nerves" Zak replied sitting down.  "You do look a little pale"Jay remarked. 

"It's just nerves I just wish my stomach would stop flip flopping"Zak muttered.  At the church everyone was getting ready when a knock came to Ryan's room.  She answered it to see Billy.  "Billy what are you doing here"  "Something's wrong with Zak he thinks it's nerves but he's pale and throwing up"he said.  

In Zak's room Aaron was at the bathroom door as Zak was throwing up.  The door opened and Ryan came in.  "Where's Zak?".  The sound of vomiting could be heard as Aaron pointed to the door.  Ryan knocked on the door.  "Zak open the door" she said.  "It's bad luck"Zak replied.  "I don't care please open".  As he opened the door his legs felt like jello so Aaron helped him sit down.  "Zak you look awful I'm postponing the wedding while the guys take you to the nearest ER". 

"Are you sure? I can do this"he said.  "Zakary stop being so strong just let the guys take you to the hospital before I have to call an ambulance"Ryan stated as Zak smiled.  "I think the nurses at the ER are going to be itching their heads when we show up" Jay remarked.  Nancy came in as Aaron helped put a coat on Zak.  "What's going--Zak you look awful".  "I feel awful it's a matching set.  Come on before I have to throw up again" and they left.

When Ryan finally showed up the guys were waiting.  "So, what's going on guys with Zak?".  Like magic the doctor came in.  "How's Zak doctor?".  "Your friend will be all right but-".  "But what doctor?".  "Did Zak ever have cancer?".  "Yeah, Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia but he had bone marrow transplant why?"Ryan inquired.  "I need to run some tests first before I say anything" and the doctor left. 

In his room Zak was waking up when he saw his mother.  "Mom what are you doing in my room.  Where's Ryan?".  "She's checking on the baby and Sam, but I wanted to see you before the doctor did" as tears fell down her face.  "Mom you're scaring me what's going on?".  "The Leukemia maybe back for another round"she replied. 

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