He sends you nudes;)

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It's all text so it's not an actual full scenario except for your thoughts when you see the nude. You'll understand what I mean when you read it. Enjoy😊💖

Mike- Hey baaaabbbbeee??
You- Yes, Michael?
Mike- So, I need a favour..
You- Jesus Christ, Michael. I'm not driving to the studio to bring a single slice of pizza again.
Mike- No, babe. I need help with something😌
You- Oh? Are you ok? What's wrong? Ah, shit. Please don't tell me Calum's trying to screw you again..
Mike- Damn it. Stop talkin dirty. And no, he's not, I'm fine, nothing's wrong..I just..you really wanna know?
You-Yeah? Why wouldn't I? I won't regret it, will I?
Mike- Not after you help me..
You- So what's up?
Mike- Here..
Not even minutes later, a picture pops on your phone. You slid to see what it was. Suddenly, a large picture of cliffoconda shows up on your phone. 'Again?' You thought chuckling a bit, rolling your eyes. You went to type another message in the phone.
You-Babe, seriously?
Mike- Yeah, my pants were getting tight, ok?? Hehehe, but uh babyyy, send back?
You- Hahahaha, omg Michael. Ugh hang onnnn!
You quickly ran to the bathroom mirror, taking a quick pic with your shirt lifted, bra-less, and sent it to Michael. You made sure it sent to him and no one else, triple-checking due to the mistake last time, sending it to Calum. You saw that he read it, not responding. 'Jesus Christ, what's he doing now..' You thought, but suddenly realized what he was doing. You chuckled, throwing your phone on the bed, planning his punishment later;)

Cal- Ey, babe:)
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, as Calum was at the studio. You were watching Netflix on your Mac. You slid the message to see what they were up to. Attached was a picture of Calum's chest down, his length hanging out of his pants. You gasped, almost choking on a grape.
You- Hahaha, oh my god, Calum.
Cal- Whaaaat?? Just giving you a peek of what you're getting tonight;)
You- Ah, well here's a peek of what you'll be givin it to;)
You sent him a picture of one of the stuffed bears he got you for Valentines day. He read and started to type.
Cal- That is just low, Y/N.
You- Hahahah fine. I'm sorry.
You sent a real picture of yourself in panties, chest hanging out.
Cal- So, like..I forgive you..I will see you in a few hours😳😍
You giggled, putting your phone on the table, resuming your movie on Netflix.

Ash-You wanna see something cool?? I'll send a pic??
You- Lol, ok, sure:)
Ash-Here ya go.
He attached a picture of mighty Irwin. You jumped at the picture, not thinking it would be...THAT. You smirked, and thought it'd be fun to tease him.
You-I like;)) You likin this?;)
You sent him a picture of the booty in a mirror. He read the message and typed.
Ash-Beautiful, just take them off!
You sent a picture giving a peek of your chest. You could tell that when he saw, he was going insane.
Ash- C'moooonnnnn, babes.
You- Alrighty;)
You ended up sending him a full nude.

Luke- So, baby girl..;)
You were in the middle of making brownies when you saw your phone light up. You slid to see a picture of Luke's large member.
You- Really??? My god, Lucas.
Luke- C'mon, you know you want it.
You looked from the brownie pan to the phone. "Fuck brownies. They'll be here tomorrow."
You- Be here in 10. I stopped brownies for this. Any later and you're not getting any!
Luke- Already on the road, babe!
You ran to get ready for your fun afternoon;)

Quick A/N: You can request now anytime! Have someone requesting a part two for the Ashton one shot where he bullies you, so I'll get started on that. I feel bad. I can't update daily, I'm sorry! I try to though! It's just school is stressing me OUT. I will definitely try to grant your wishes. Just request an imagine or pref, maybe a part two to a story, they're open! 💘

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