Imagine: Enemies to lovers

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"We won't be able to protect you." 

You roll your eyes. "If I needed to be protected, I wouldn't have volunteered to join this quest." You retort, giving Legolas a pointed look.

"It's not too late to go back." 

"Thank you for letting me know, however, I do not wish to return." You say through gritted teeth, trying to keep your anger at bay.

Legolas opens his mouth to respond but you glare at him and spin around before he can say anything. You clench your fists at your sides as you storm away towards Aragorn who's at the back of the line.

You walk next to Aragorn in silence, too angry for small talk. You're sick of feeling underestimated, of having this constant need to prove yourself to others for them to take you seriously. And you won't stand that stupid elf treating you like a kid!

"Don't be angry with him." Aragorn says as you look at him. "Please try to understand where he's coming from. Legolas isn't very good with handling emotions but he's just worried for you." He says with a hint of a smile in his voice.

"Even if that were true, which it isn't, it doesn't make his actions any less insufferable." You respond, glaring at the ground.

Aragorn lets out a soft chuckle. "I guess it doesn't." He meets your eyes. "He'll get over it soon." 

A week has gone by, and Legolas has made it his mission to avoid you at all costs, or so you think to yourself. You watch amused as Legolas walks right past you, looking everywhere but at you. But he doesn't walk away fast enough for you to not catch the movement of his ears twitching towards your direction like a lost puppy. You narrow your eyes and open your mouth to say something snarky but decide to keep this moment to yourself instead. You guess his silent treatment is better than him commenting about your incompetence.

You're walking towards Legolas, to see if elf ears really are sensitive, when a heap of snow suddenly collapses onto you all as Saruman attempts to bring down the mountain. You cry out in surprise, your scream being muffled by the snow. You tread through the heavy blanket of snow in the direction you think is up when a pair of hands grab your wrists, instantly hauling you out of the snow.

You're on the ground, catching your breath when you look up at the person who got you out of the snow. To your utter surprise and mortification, you find Legolas looking down at you with an arched brow. "I thought you didn't need protecting."

You glare at him. "You were just waiting to say that, weren't you?"

Legolas grins cockily at the sight of you on the ground, before turning to walk away. 


"And just for the record, elf man, I would've had no trouble getting out of the snow by myself!" You shout at him.

Legolas turns his head to look at you, still grinning. "For the record, it's just 'elf'."

You grit your teeth before pulling yourself off the cold ground, rolling your eyes at Legolas' back.

Ignorant bastard.

Aragorn sent you and Legolas to collect firewood. You couldn't believe it. And here you were believing he was empathetic about your situation. Did all men suck?

You were staring at the ground, mumbling to yourself as you walk through the forest, but not because you were looking for firewood. If Legolas was going to act like you were incapable, he could bloody well collect it all himself.

You're still staring at the ground, ignoring Legolas' presence when you bump straight into a tree. Or at least you think it's a tree.

You let out a whelp and clutch your head gingerly as you look up. 

Oh no...

Legolas grins at you. 

"You buffoon! Why were you standing in front of me?" You yell at him, trying to ignore how red your face has become. How hard was this man's chest..?

"That is because I was talking to you."

You gape at him. "No you weren't! I would've heard you!"

Legolas tilts his head. "Well apparently not."

"You lying bastard..." You mumble before starting to walk away, fed up with the elf.

Legolas reaches out and grabs your wrist before you could get far enough. "Why are you so mad all the time?" He asks suddenly.

You look at him. "I'm not mad all the time, I'm just mad at you."

Legolas sighs before letting your arm drop back to your side. "Why did you even join this quest?"

You huff. "Why? Do I not add anything to the fellowship?"

Legolas narrows his eyes at you. "What part of my question gave you that impression?"

You step closer to him, causing him to step back towards a tree trunk. "Because you seem to be questioning everything I do! I don't see you asking this to Boromir!" 

Legolas clenches his jaw. "I just have a hard time understanding why you would endanger yourself like this!"

"Is that it then? I don't deserve to fight for the people I love?"

You look at him, once again stepping closer to him. "You look down on me because I'm a woman."

Legolas stares at you. "That's not true."

"What is it then?" You're a breath away from Legolas as you stare at him scrutinisingly.

Legolas doesn't respond, only looks at you with a strange look on his face.

"What is it then? Why do you not want me here?" You cry defeatedly, pushing him and causing him to push his back against the tree trunk.

He suddenly grabs your wrists before switching your positions. He moves his hands to wrest on both your shoulders to keep you from moving. "Because I care for you! And I don't want you to do something to get yourself killed!"

Your anger mostly disappears instantly and you stare at him with wide eyes. He's staring at you with an angry, defeated expression.

You glance at his slightly pursed lips before meeting his gaze once again. He looks at you with furrowed eyebrows, having caught your action, but he never gets to say anything.

You crash your lips into his and clutch his shoulders, as you stand on your tiptoes. 

Legolas pulls back and looks at you with a startled expression. You never break his stare. You don't move either. Then his lips are on yours again and you smirk knowingly. 

Legolas pushes you against the tree. "Shut up."

You push against him and turn around, still kissing him. "Make me." You whisper against his mouth as you push him against the tree roughly.

Legolas grins before kissing you again. "Gladly."

A/N: I kind of want to make a fully fleshed out book about this trope that takes place in lotr. Would you guys read it?

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