Part 2

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A/N: Hey, once again I haven't really edited this properly yet so pretend like some parts aren't badly written, thank you. I'm ashamed at how long it took me to write this but I've been really busy with school. But anyway I hope you haven't forgotten this story and please enjoy. 

You rush out to meet with Legolas, but he's already long gone by the time you reach the clearing. Curse the agility of elves.

You wait at the camp like everyone else, waiting for Legolas to return as the ball of anxiety and guilt grows painfully in your stomach.

A day turns into two and two turns into five and Legolas still is nowhere to be seen. You know he's an elf and can more than look after himself, but you can't help but worry.

Maybe I should leave.

One night, as everyone else slept, you packed what little belongings you had and planned to slip away into the darkness. You didn't know where you'd go, or what lurked beyond the horizons, but none of it mattered. You just wanted Legolas to return and be safe, back amongst his friends.

You let your tears fall and wet the dirt underneath you. What I'd give to go back in time.

But as you fling your bag over your shoulder, you spot a figure off in the distance. You stop dead in your tracks. You let your bag fall.

"Legolas." You breathe.

Even in darkness you could recognise him. You could recognise him by scent or touch alone. The way his subtle aroma clings to your nose long after he's gone. Or the way his lips fall into a straight line whenever he's deep in concentration. Or the way his flawless skin and hair seem to radiate the moon's light.

And as the clouds part to reveal the hidden moon you watch as it casts its light onto Legolas, as if the moon itself had been alerted to his presence.

How blind had I been?

On shaky legs, you take a slow step towards him. "Please don't go." You whisper, and you fear your words were lost in the night air. But when Legolas doesn't move as you take another step towards you, hope swells in your chest.

"I..." Your voice is hoarse, strained as a lump forms in your throat.

Your chest feels tight. It hurts to breathe.

You start again, swallowing. "I... know you hate me... but please don't go."

You 're now at an arm's distance away from him when you stop. As your heart tries to jump out of your body, you're sure he can hear it.

"What I did was unforgiveable, and there's nothing I can do or say that can ever make up for it." Legolas is staring at you now, eyes an intense and impenetrable wall of blue. You can't breathe.

"But I just wanted- no - I need you to know that I didn't mean a single thing I said, and couldn't be more far from the truth."

You inhale, shakily. You exhale.

A lifetime passes and Legolas speaks.

"And what is the truth?" Pain swelling in his words. It's a knife to your heart.

Your image of Legolas turns blurry as tears well in your eyes. "That you're the most amazing thing to happen to me. That I took your love for granted and now I won't ever get it back. You deserve so much better. You deserve everything you've ever wanted." You hastily wipe away a tear.

"And you're the most selfless and courageous person who devotes himself to doing good, and it's what I love most about you." You finish finally, sucking in a quick, shaky breath. "And I can live with anything else, but I just need to know if you could ever not hate me."

It plays out in slow motion, watching as Legolas reaches a hand to you, brushing a stray piece of hair behind your ear. Your heart stops beating, as if in anticipation.

"I don't hate you." He whispers gently. "I could never hate you."

And your heart breaks for the second, third, fourth time. For how could you have gotten this lucky? How could he not hate you?

"Why?" You barely manage to speak the words. "I don't deserve your forgiveness."

And you think you see Legolas smile. "That's not for you to decide."

A tear falls down your cheek. He wipes it away. Relief. You feel relief.

He doesn't hate me.

You can breathe again.

"I'm so sorry." More tears fall.

"I know." He wipes them away.

"I love you."

"I know." Lips meet yours and all at once the world feels like something you could hold again.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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