Stealing Aragorn's crown (part 2)

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It had been more than a few months after you had come into possession of the crown, and you had no idea what to do with it. You had no interest in the money, nor did you plan on using it as leverage for whatever reason. In fact, you had to keep the crown hidden in your small cottage, for you were sure if anyone found out you had it, it would be stolen the moment you had your back turned. It had proven to be quite a nuisance. 

You had kept a close watch on the king of Gondor and you had grown to like him over a distance. He was a noble and just king, treating everyone fairly and with kindness. You would never admit it to yourself, but you had started to feel guilty about stealing his crown. Not that it probably meant that much to him anyway.

You recently heard talk about the nearing arrival of the elves of Mirkwood. No one seemed to know why. That had sparked your interest but had ultimately seemed to not think much on it. Most likely being some boring council meeting.

That was before you found out the prince of Mirkwood would be amongst the party. The sudden arrival of the elves already had your curiosity, but now it had your attention.

There was to be a grand feast in celebration of the arrival. And you would be attending.


You enter the large room where both humans and elves were conversing, drinking and dancing. The loud music and the talking (more like shouting) of the drunken men exploded in your ears.

You walk further into the room, your gown being illuminated by the brightly lit hall. This caught the attention of humans and elves alike, making you smirk. 

You look over to the main table, where you can see Aragorn sitting, watching over the room. You meet his eyes for a split second before subtly turning your head away from him before he has time to recognise you. You make your way to the back of the room, keeping your eyes on the king but trying to spot out a particular elven prince. 

You don't know how long you were standing there, in the shadows, until you finally see him. Legolas.

Your breath hitches in your throat and time seems to slow down as you watch him walk over to Aragorn. He bends over and whispers something to Aragorn, who stands up and tells something to his wife before the pair exit the room. 

You raise a brow and follow through the back door they left through. 

You silently follow behind them, leaving plenty of distance between you.

After a few minutes, they lead you to the grand library, where books line the walls from floor to ceiling. You slip through the door and hide behind a book shelf, listening as Legolas and Aragorn shuffle around.

"What did you need to speak with me about, Legolas?"

"Your thief. I know where she is."

You hold your breath. How does he know? Sure, you had been fairly careless during your mission but still, why would he care?

"She? So it was the girl I was talking about?"


"She is here? Tell me, my friend, where is she?"

"I've felt her presence here all night." He whispers, but not so quietly that you can't hear. "In fact, I feel her presence right now."

Legolas backs away and looks around the room. "Because she is standing in this very room."

You sigh. 


Aragorn watches as a shadow moves from behind a bookshelf behind them, and when they step into the light, Aragorn's eyes widen.

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