Imagine: Running away with Legolas

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You stand with your head facing towards the ground, letting the rain trickle down your hair and body. You lean against the wall, cradling your face in your wet hands. A quiet sob leaves your mouth and you let your tears mix with the cool raindrops that contrast against your hot face.


You stop breathing. You remove your hands from your face and hesitantly look up to see Legolas walking towards you. He was still in his training clothes.

You take a deep breath and meet his radiant eyes who seems to mock the very moon shining down on them.

It takes a moment for you to realise he was talking to you. You wipe away pieces of hair that were plastered to your face. "What are you doing here this late?"

Legolas looks at you with a concerned yet gentle expression. "I couldn't sleep." He seems to remember your question after a moment. 

You don't reply. You were too exhausted to think of things to say. 

But as Legolas walks towards you, it doesn't seem like that's an issue. He takes your face in his hands, wiping your wet cheeks with his thumbs. "(Y/N)..." He places a tender kiss on your forehead. "You're going to get sick, my love."

You just look at him, feeling another sob choking you. "I can't do this anymore. I can't stay here." You say, not being able to control your thoughts or emotions any longer.

You sigh gently, closing your eyes. You felt relieved to have finally said it out loud. For years, you had imagined running away, escaping the home life that seemed to have drained you of everything you once were or ever hoped to be. But you had always held back. Not because you cared about what your family thought-- no. You could hardly care about that anymore. But you had always been scared to. 

You heard stories about monsters lurking in the forests and how they surrounded Mirkwood at night, hiding in the shadows during the day. But even after they were destroyed, you had fallen in love. Legolas was the only reason you were still here. You didn't want to burden Legolas in any way. So you put up with everything. Because as long as he was here, the pain would be worth it.

But you couldn't deal with it anymore. You just wanted to leave-- to just get up and walk away and never look back. No matter the consequences. 

Staying always seemed like the better option, but you had grown so tired of having to pretend everything was okay, and to deal with people who said they loved you but treated you like an object. But now, as much as it hurt to think about leaving, staying has grown to feel like a never-ending hell loop. 

You look at Legolas, ignoring the rain pouring heavily down on both your faces. You gently cup his face in your hands. "I'm tired. And it's not a tired that any amount of sleep can fix."

Legolas doesn't say anything, only stare at you so intensely it made you wonder if all the stars in the sky had decided to hang themselves in your eyes instead.

You take a deep breath before continuing. "There is no place for me here, but I know that your life is here. So I will not ask of anything from you." 

It would be selfish to take him from his life, but you really didn't want to say goodbye to him. You couldn't live without him. But you couldn't live here either.

Legolas grabs your hand that's on his face and holds it tightly. "My life? I am staring at my life right now. It doesn't matter where we go, as long as I'm with you I can live with everything else."

You stare up at him, shocked at his response. You wouldn't ever think anyone would do anything like this for you-- to put you first. 

Your hands tremble and when you speak, so does your voice. "Are you sure?" Tears start to cloud your vision.

"I have never been more sure about anything else." He replies simply, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on your lips as a further promise.

"When do you want to leave?" You ask softly after you part. 

"Right now, if that's what you wish."

"It is." You respond shyly, wondering if he's already starting to regret it.

Legolas smiles warmly, leaning in. "Then pack your bags, and meet me at the stables when you're done." He kisses you again and looks at you.

You nod slowly, happy beyond words. You could hardly believe you were finally leaving, not to mention the love of your life at your side the whole time.

It was everything you had ever dreamed of for as long as you could remember. But if this was all in your head, you hoped to the Valar that you would never wake up.

A/N: Thank you to anyone that's read this far and please please vote if you liked it. Once again I'm asking if you have any requests, please comment or message me because I would love to write it for you. This chapter was kind of fan service for myself (even tho all my chapters technically are) as I'm kind of in the mood of 'I want to run away to another reality and forget about my real life and family'. 

Anyway, I appreciate you all, and I'll try to stay consistent with my upload schedule. (God, is this what having a YouTube channel feels like?)

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