Imagine: Trying to stop Legolas from leaving after TH

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You take a deep breath in, letting your head fall back, basking it in the warm sunlight. The battle was finally over. You had survived, and better yet, you won. 

You slowly sheath your dual swords and eventually spot Legolas.

"Legolas!" He keeps walking with his back towards you. 

"Legolas!" You try again, running towards him.

Legolas only turns when you place a hand on his shoulder. "(Y/n)." He says, trying his best to smile, but it only comes across as a grimace.

You frown at him. "Were you going somewhere?"

Legolas looks off to the side hesitantly, frowning slightly.

"You were!" You cry, placing both your hands on his shoulders. "Were you even going to say goodbye?" Tears are filling in your eyes. 

You've always been close friends. Yes, he loved Taurial, but you thought  he would've at least taken your relationship seriously.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry, I just have to get out of here."

You sigh. This wasn't about you. He's heartbroken and you would gladly pose as his support system. You drop your arms and look at him understandingly. "Because of Tauriel?" You ask softly.

He still doesn't look at you when he nods. "Amongst other things, yes."

Your frown only deepens, and you place a hand on his chin, lifting his gaze to look at you. "What happened, Legolas?"

You look into his crystalized eyes as he grimaces. "She doesn't love me, (y/n). I thought... I thought we might've had a chance, no matter how slim those chances may have seemed. But... I saw how much she loves that dwarf." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "She'd never hold that much love for me. I can't keep living like this, I can't do this to myself."

You stand there in silence for a moment before reaching out and holding him in a tight embrace. Hearing his soft whimpers at your neck almost make you cry instantly. 

You let him pull back when he was ready, and you look at him with teary eyes, still keeping him near. "You deserve to be loved."

He doesn't say anything, only watches you closely with a range of emotions crossing his features. You step back slightly, taking a deep breath. "So, if you're going, I'm coming with you."

A soft smile slowly paints itself across Legolas' face as he hears you, looking at you deeply. "You don't even know where I'm going."

You shrug slightly, smiling brightly. "It doesn't matter, wherever you go, I go." You say as a finality.

His smile widens slightly and he takes your hand, holding it firmly. "I wouldn't have it any other way, mellon nîn."

You smile back at him before hugging him once more, holding him close to you. There were a million things you wanted to say to him, to assure him everything was going to be ok, and that you were going to make sure of it, but that could wait. So you settle with something simple instead. 

"Let's get out of here." You whisper gently against his skin.

Dude, Legolas deserves so much more than he's given in the movies. He honestly deserves so much love :((

I was gonna make this very angsty but I decided Legolas was gonna get love today. I'm very happy with my decision lol.

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