Imagine: Singing with Legolas

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Start playing the song, earphones heavily recommended lol

You meet the eyes of your lover from across the courtyard. The air was warm against your skin, even though the sun had long since been set. The barely-there wind seemed to dance around the air with elegance as it caressed your exposed face and arms, feather-like.

You're still looking at Legolas from a distance, both of you not saying a word. A deep understanding flashes across Legolas' eyes and after a moment, you both walk towards each other. As he meets you, he reaches an arm out to grab your hand and pulls you into his chest. Your hands immediately wrap around his back, digging your head into his chest like a scared puppy. He starts to gently sway with you in his arms and you smile against his warm body. 

You bring your head up and look up at him to see him already looking down at you, a hint of a smile pulling at his face, as if it were a twitch. You fail to hide your own smile as you meet his eyes, that were looking at you like you were the very moon that was shining brightly up in the sky this very evening. It all but took your breath away. You didn't think you'd ever get used to the way Legolas would look at you. You so dearly wished you were able to keep this moment embedded into your mind forever. 

(Skip to around 5:45 for the lyrics :))

After a short while, you return to the comfort of Legolas' chest and begin to sing, your voice slightly muffled against his body. 

'Hey little train! We are all jumping on

The train that goes to the Kingdom'

You tilt your head, projecting your voice slightly.

'We're happy, Ma, we're having fun

And the train ain't even left the station'

Legolas begins to hum softly along with you in his deep, velvety voice that sent shivers down your spine.

'Hey, little train! Wait for me!'

With a newly found confidence, you pull away from Legolas to look at him clearly, smiling softly.

'I once was blind but now I see'

As you stare into his deep crystal eyes, he steps back, outstretching his arm that was still holding your hand. He begins to sing the song back to you.

'Have you left a seat for me?

Is that such a stretch of the imagination?'

You can't help it as a huge grin slyly finds its way on your face.

Legolas pulls you by the hand towards him before twirling you around his arm. 

'Hey little train! Wait for me!'

You laugh as he twirls you, and before you know it, you're securely in his arms again, staring up at him with bright eyes. You both continue the verse as your dance picks up its pace. Both your hands are in his as you move your body in tune with your arm movements, very far from any traditional elvish dances. You find it impossible to care how simple and improper your silly dance seems as you smile like a mad man, both your voices filling the otherwise silent night air.

'I was held in chains but now I'm free

I'm hanging in there, don't you see

In this process of elimination'

He twirls you again before wrapping his other arm against your waist, both of you smiling and laughing in between singing.

'Hey little train! We are all jumping on

The train that goes to the Kingdom'

His hand leaves yours to wrap around your waist gently. You bring your entwined hands out as your other hand snakes up his arm to rest at his shoulder, both of your bodies swaying rhythmically. 

'We're happy, Ma, we're having fun

It's beyond my wildest expectation'

You're yet again pressed closely against him as you both sober up in each other's gaze. Neither of you have stopped singing, however both your voices have significantly lowered as you reach the last verse. 

'Hey little train! We are all jumping on'

You rest your head on his shoulder, leaning against the crook of his neck as both your arms hang over his shoulders. He immediately responds by placing both his rough hands on your hips, securing you in your spot. You both return to swaying as you sing and hum against the others neck.

'The train that goes to the Kingdom

We're happy, Ma, we're having fun

And the train ain't even left the station'

You sing slowly, the last line practically being carried away by the humming wind.

A/N: I hope the timing of the song isn't too bad, this is my first time trying to incorporate a song into my fic. I selected the slowed down version, hoping it would be easier to keep up with the fic, but feel free to go back and pause it and stuff. I haven't yet decided if I like the way I've written this, but this idea has been stuck in my head for two days. 

Also, yes this scene is heavily influenced by that one Harry Potter scene to any fans. I absolutely love this song.

Also, also, please vote if you enjoyed this chapter, it really helps the fic and encourages me to continue writing what you guys love! If you have any imagines you want me to write, please feel free to message me or comment on this chapter!

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