Imagine: Dying in front of Legolas lol

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You whirl around to face Legolas, expecting him to be in some sort of trouble. Even though much enemies are in between you and him, you spot him out instantly, and your eyes meet Legolas' terrified ones. Your brows furrow when you realise he isn't in need of aid, but is instead trying to push through the orcs to get to you.

You're at a loss of words as you take in his pained expression. He opens his mouth to shout but he falters and his eyes open wide. It doesn't take that long to figure out why as you gasp, feeling a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. It takes a moment before the pain processes, and when it does you let out a cry, falling to your knees. With shaky hands, you press against the wound, trying to ignore the additional pain that brought. You feel your warm blood seep through your fingers, the taste of metal filling your mouth, but you don't dare to look. You already know you're loosing too much blood too fast and you don't want to remember yourself like this as your last memory. 

You look out into the distance, your eyes focusing on nothing. Your body is numbing by the second and you're starting to lose focus. You can't feel the ground beneath you. You can't hear the battle cries that were deafening to you only a moment ago. And you couldn't feel the hand that gently pushes you to the ground until the same hand is patting your face urgently.

You think you smile as Legolas' face slowly comes into view. One of his arms are outstretched, his hand holding your head up. His other is pressing against the hand on your wound. "(Y/n)!" He shouts, his voice pulling you back into consciousness.

"(y/n)..." He says hoarsely, eyes boring into yours as tears fill his eyes. 

You wipe your hands against your trousers in a sad attempt to wipe off the blood before you reach up and touch his cheek. "Please don't cry." You wait a moment, trying to get enough air into your lungs. "You're too pretty to cry." You smile, managing a chuckle. 

Legolas doesn't smile. "Please don't go... don't leave me." 

You wipe away the tears that are running down his cheeks. "You know I don't have a choice."

Legolas lets out a broken sob before resting his head against yours. "I can't live on without you."

You wrap your hand around his neck, embracing him as best as you can. "Yes you can. Because I'll be waiting on the other side for you... this isn't goodbye."

Legolas parts from you, opening his mouth to protest, but you shush him. "And if we don't meet again in this life, I'll be waiting until the next."

Legolas shakes his head through tears. "I will wait. For you, I'll always wait." Legolas sucks in a breath. "But you better come back to me, you here me?"

You nod, smiling. "Live for me as well. Please... don't forget to live." Your vision starts to fade once again and you know your life is slipping through your fingers. "Don't cry my love... for when the stars are aligned, and the timing is just right... we'll meet again in another life."

The last thing you feel as you slip from consciousness is Legolas' arms around you, whispering 'I love you' over and over again. And before the world is plunged into darkness you think you say it back.

A/N: Sorry it's a bit short and isn't that good, but I was rushing to get something out to you guys. I've had a few issues and I lost motivation. But I'm back again so if you have any ideas please let me know. But in the meantime I'll try to upload something a little more light-hearted and fun in the next week.

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