Imagine: Legolas braiding your hair

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Legolas catches your eye from across the camp and smiles kindly at you. Heat rushes to your cheeks and you're thankful the only source of light this late into the night was the dying campfire. You shyly smile back at him, watching as the fire dances in the reflection of his eyes, making him look all the more ethereal. 

Legolas stands up from his spot near a sleeping Aragorn and makes his way towards you and sits down. You look at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to say. Although you were extremely fond of the elf, you've found yourself rarely having an opportunity to converse with him lately. Legolas smiles again and tilts his head to the side. "You have beautiful hair."

Your eyes widen in surprise. Whatever you had been expecting, this was not it. You couldn't remember the last time you've ever gotten complimented so you find yourself at a loss of words.

"Really? No one's ever told me that before." You reply bashfully, hugging your knees to your chest.

"That'll have to change then." Legolas replies slyly. 

Your blush deepens and you look down, smiling at the ground. "Yeah, well, it might be nice, but it's a burden." You say pushing away a rebellious hair and finally look up at him. "I don't know how you do it." 

Legolas laughs. "I honestly don't know either. Maybe it's part of being an elf."

You snort and mumble, "Lucky bastard."

This causes Legolas to laugh again. "Would you mind if I braid your hair then?" He asks hesitantly.

You stare at him in bewilderment before smiling up at him. "I'd like that very much." Did he realise what he's doing?

Legolas leans against a tree and looks at you with a grin. He lifts up a hand and motions with a finger for you to come. You blush at the motion but make your way to him. He spreads his legs and pats the ground in front of him. Your cheeks are bright red as you hesitantly place yourself in between his legs. Legolas runs his hands down your hair before parting it gently. Before he's about to start, he shifts forward and you can feel his chest pressing into your back. 

Despite your best efforts, you're shaking nervously at being this close to him. Legolas stops moving and brushes his fingers against your arm, sending shivers down your spine. "Are you ok? You seem uncomfortable." He says, a hint of mirth in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine." You squeak, quick to respond.

Legolas smiles but says nothing and starts on a braid. Time seems to slow and the world seems to fade around you as you tune everything out. The only thing in your mind was this moment with you and Legolas. 

Legolas stops for a second, pulling your mind back to the present. "I'm not hurting you, am I?"

You giggle, loving how gentle and thoughtful he was. "No, I can barely feel a thing." You whisper.

And it was true. His long fingers swiftly manoeuvred pieces of hair as if he were playing an instrument. You were surprised that your unruly hair had obliged so easily to Legolas' gentle touch. Every time you tried to do anything with your hair, it involved a lot of crying and pulling out hair in frustration. After the quest, you must take Legolas back home with you, as you doubt anyone comes close to his skills in both combat and hair.

Legolas finishes quicker than you had expected. He pulls away and you suddenly feel cold without his presence. Pushing away the weird feeling, you turn to Legolas who is smiling widely at you, admiring his work. His pure joy puts a smile to your face as you look at him. 

"Do you like it?" He asks hopefully.

You tilt your head and feel the intricate braids on the sides and top of your head. "Like it? Of course I like it! I love it!" You exclaim, beaming with joy. 

Legolas Imagines (Lotr and The Hobbit)Where stories live. Discover now