Chapter 12: No Mercy

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(Zoey's POV)

All i remember was talking to Trinity over the phone and someone knocked on the door. There was two men at the door. When i realized their intentions it was too late to get away. I was taken by these two men to i dont know where. I remember waking tied by my ankles and wrist. I was in what looks like a forest. I was alone for a few moments until the two men came back. Now i am sitting against a tree while the two men are chit chatting.

"Hey! Hello? Do you mind telling me who you are and where i am and why?" The two men looked over at me and had a terrifying look on their face. It made me wish i kept my mouth shut.

"Where are my manners? My name is Jason and he is Jay. Where demons and we have proof to believe that your friends with a half demon. We dont like half demons, so we are using you as bait to catch that beast or beast's. Oh and right now we are in the middle of a forest waiting for your friends to show up and get you, and when they, do we will kill them along with you." These guys are cocky. Thats all i got to say. To be honest i haven't told Trinity, but i have a secret of my own that i haven't told her. I only found this out a few years ago, but i can see other poeple's and creatures aura just like Trinity's mother, Amy. Some would also call me a witch becasue i have my own powers and abilities. I dont know any spells or what not, but i do have other abilites right now. My father told me that my mother was a witch and i got my powers from her. Right now im not old enough to learn and cast spells, but man would that come in handy right about now. When i told Trinity i was to learn to protect myself i was being honest. I know Trinity is powerful, but she hasn't even unlocked her true potential yet and she won't until shes of age.

"Hey are you going to just stare at us?!' I was snapped out of my thoughts by one of the men screaming at me while kicking my stomach. I was coughing and looked up at the guy.

"Trinity will kill you for that, and kill you for taking me." I looked at both of them.

They laughed at me saying "As if she could hurt us!" They made me mad.

"You'll see. Shes not the type of person you want to mess with." I kept my voice calm and threatening.

"Yea right kid. Shes not powerful enough to take me and my brother here even if shes with her friend. She won't last a second against us even with help." I smiled at how cocky they were being. It was too funny.

"What are you laughing at!? You will see that we will kill her and her friend when they get here, and when we cut them down you will be next." They both kicked me in the stomach hard making me cough up blood. They turned around and sat against two trees and began to talk their heads off some more.

'Trinity please get here soon and show these idiots who there messing with.' I smiled at the image of her coming to rescue me and beating these retards scenes less in the process. I leaned my head against the tree behind me trying to forget about the pain.

(Trinity's POV)

I was running towards Zoeys scent with Zack close behind. I am going to kill the two who took her. Their going to pay!

Once i seen movement ahead of me i got closer and seen two guys talking. Im not taking any chances.

I ran up a tree and looked down and around the guys when i seen my best friend tied up and bleeding from her mouth and stomach. Yep their dead for sure. I was right above the men. I jumped down from the tree and in front of the guys who swiftly took postions that said they were ready to fight. I looked back over to Zoey and back to the guys.

"Trinity i got the one on the right you ge-"

"No their both mine!" I told Zack and he hesitated before backing away slowly. I am dead serious about killing these two. I will not show any mercy towards them like i did to the men at the village.

"Getting a bit over confident are we?" One of the guys said while standing up straight. Does he think he can just let his guard down like that!?

"Ill say this now, your going to die along with your friends. You see that girl back there is losing a lot of blood as we speak, so she can die any minute now. So you can eith-"

"Shut up I dont want to watse time talking to you!"

"Have it your way then." At that both of them ran towards me sprouting fangs and claws and their eyes grew red. They tried to cut me down with their claws?!!! Umm no way. Please those things are so long and disgusting looking. Ok then fine!

I pulled my blade out, and just like before i could feel something flow through me. It wasnt strong, but it was there. When one of them came at me again with their claws i blocked their arm with my sword cutting deep into their arm. He pulled away right before the other kicked me in the stomach making me fly back and hit a tree. The tree snapped in two when i made contact. One guy yelled something at the other which made my heart race.

"Grab the girl and kill her while i get this one. We have no need for her now sense shes here now!" I watched as one guy went to Zoey and with his arm that wasn't hurt he put his hand around her neck and picked her up.

Zoey opened her eyes and looked over at me. "Im s-sorry Tr-ini-ty."

Tears slid down her cheeks as my heart beat sped up faster and faster until i couldn't take it anymore. I screamed as loud as i could as the two guys grew wide eyed at me. I could see terrior in their eyes. I even seen them shake while they looked at me. I didnt care to know why they grew so scared of me all of a sudden all i wanted was them dead.

The guy holding Zoey dropped her to the ground. I seen Zoey was holding her neck and coughing. Then i couldn't stand to look at them any longer. I ran up to them faster than I have ever moved in my life. I drove my sword into the heart of the guy who was just about to kill Zoey. I pulled my sword from inside the guys chest and went straight to the other one who hasn't stopped looking at me with horror in his eyes. Before i even touched him with my blade he was screaming in pain and covered with flames. The flames were black and dark. When the flames went away there was nothing but a corpse.

When i realized that i my blade was covered in the same flame i looked to my body which was also covered in these dark flames. I could see why the two were looking at me in horror i even thought i was scary.

I looked over to Zack and Zoey. Zack had ran to untie Zoey, and they were looking at me with the horror, but not the same way the guys were looking at me.

Zack had untied Zoey, and when he did Zoey quickly got up and ran to me. She hugged me while i was still engulfed in flames. Out of fear of Zoey getting burned i tried to get away, but when i did my vision was going blurry. Soon i couldn't see anything but darkness.

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