14 | the bad boy attracts

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the bad boy attracts

"YES. I KNOW," Akari sighed into her phone, receiving an earful from Ha-eun on the other side who was angry at her for not picking up her phone when she had called last night. "I'm sorry. I am very sorry."

"Where are you now?" Ha-eun asked and Akari tensed, making the mistake of looking at Julian who was currently shirtless and sweating, wearing cargo pants and a small bag strapped around his waist with all the necessary tools hanging around them. He had been working on the car even before Akari woke up. Nonetheless, it was a rare and blessed morning sight for Akari. She could watch him all day— the way his muscles moved and flexed whenever he had to screw something in or pull something out— it did something to her insides and Akari gulped, watching him drink from a water bottle and his neck move as beads of perspiration glistened under the noon's sunlight like pearls. Those godforsaken tattoos were completely not helping either. He was the perfect image of a 'bad boy' that her dad would have fought to keep her away from.

All that bucket-hat look, full-sleeved shirts, and anti-social behaviour when he was in college were just hiding away his true beauty. Is who she's been talking to all these days the true Julian Jones? Underneath all that? Akari questioned, tilting her head to narrow his eyes at him. Knowing him a little well now, and seeing all his tattoos, you can tell that each one tells a story. It wasn't dragons and beastly things that some put on themselves just for the fun of it, they were unique— like the one of a seashell with pearls on it, another one that looked like an image of a starry night with just one particular star shining bright. She was particularly curious about the small heart tattoo that was drawn to seem like it is caged in iron bars.

Akari sighed dreamily, momentarily feeling like she was flying. She doesn't think she can ever again look at any other guy like she looks at Julian Jones— he's just so hot. It was almost too ridiculous that she never noticed all these details about him before. Yeah, dumb luck, she has to develop 'whatever this is' right when he's being accused of murder and hiding in her apartment. Akari helped him whenever he could like fetching him water and picking up things when he drops them and in return, she gets this Godly sight which is recherché for someone like her.

Akari was way past the state she was in yesterday and she never knew Julian Jones would be the answer to her emotional drive. Although there were some lingering effects of her fever and a hangover, the medicine she had taken last night had helped a lot. The sight of Julian felt like medicine itself.

Wow, who is this? What happened to the Akari who was never interested in anyone before? She scoffed.

"Akari?" A voice yelled into her ear, snapping her back to reality as she flinched, eyes darting to Julian's abs before tearing her eyes away from them as she looked at her feet.

"Y-Yeah?" Akari replied, coughing a little to adjust herself.

"I asked, where are you?" Ha-eun asked and Akari's eyes darted everywhere.

She didn't want Ha-eun to worry about her because she knew she would if she told her where exactly she was right now. Ha-eun would probably be too worried to do her presentation well later.

"I'm in heaven." Akari sang teasingly, staring at Julian's back before rolling her eyes at her self at her lame joke.

"Aka—" Ha-eun's stern voice got cut off and Akari blinked as she heard someone talking in the background and she waited for her best friend to come back to her, trying her best to not get too distracted by the sight of Julian Jones working on that Mustang in front of her.

"I got to go." Ha-eun said. "You better take care of yourself. I will call again later and respond to my texts and calls or I will kill you." The tone went beep and Akari looked at her phone before smiling, shaking her head at her silly best friend before pocketing it.

"Can you come here?" Julian called and Akari looked up to see him standing against the front of the car. Akari walked towards him, trying to avoid looking at him at all costs as she stared at the car, pretending to be as cool as possible even though she felt like she would trip and fall in the air any second and embarrass herself.

"What is it?" Akari asked nonchalantly.

"I have a problem," Julian spoke and Akari's eyebrows arched, eyes looking at the wrench held tight in his hand.

"What?" Akari asked, "What problem?" She caught herself right as she was going to look at his face.

"Why aren't you looking at me while I'm talking?" The question was so sudden that Akari immediately looked at him, cheeks flushing red and she felt like Julian knew everything she was thinking as his eyes met hers.

"Is that the problem?" Akari asked immediately.

"No." Julian smirked, stepping closer to Akari who felt her breath hitch as he closed the distance between them, faces inches away. "The problem is that you get to stare at me all you want since morning and I don't. So, stand beside me." He said it in a tone that sounded so seductive to Akari's ears that she felt frozen to her toes, feeling her heart thrum in her ears and butterflies fly in her tummy.

"Oh." Akari breathed out, watching Julian's eyes drift to Akari's lips as if he was knowingly doing it just for Akari to see it.

Akari immediately took a step back, feeling shock fill her as she slapped Julian on his shoulder, the only spot which seemed safe enough to hit even though all his wounds were now probably painless, Akari didn't want to take the risk. Julian chuckled, reaching a finger to boop Akari's nose to which she glared at him, taking another step back which was the worst idea because the next second, her feet slipped and she was in the air, milliseconds away from having her head slam on the floor when a strong hand gripped her waist tight, pulling her up as she looked at two dark brown eyes.

Akari gripped onto his shoulders, frightened and Julian didn't let loose the grip he had on her waist and she didn't want him to let loose. She wanted him to hold her tighter. They were close, way too close for this to be a normal sight for any person walking by without thinking they weren't friends. Akari's eyes drifted to Julian's lips. She doesn't remember how many times they have been in this position with both of them looking at each other's lips and doing nothing about it.

But, Akari was on an emotional overdrive today and she was going to have the day her way so she went in for the kill, leaning further and feeling his breath fall on her lips. Julian didn't seem like he was moving away and Akari felt her heartbeat and she wondered if he could feel it too with the way she was pressed against him.

"Do you know how beautiful your eyes are?" Julian spoke, breaking Akari's thoughts as she looked up at him. Akari was speechless. "You look at me and I just can't look away cause your eyes are so seductive."

Akari's breath hitched as her heartbeat rose. "It's a dull brown." She said.

"Light brown." Julian spoke immediately. "And, you have just a smudge of green near the Center. It's the most bewitching thing I have ever seen."

Akari looked at him, completely at a loss for words because no one except her parents have ever noticed that. She backed away, momentarily in shock as she got out of his arms, him letting her go and she didn't dare look at his face, afraid of what she would do next if she did. The memory of her parents brought her back to reality as voices echoed in her head. She immediately turned, walked inside her house, and let out a sigh of relief.

She was thankful Julian didn't stop her from walking away, even though she wanted him to.


I feel like no one is reading the story. 😭 What do you guys think? Please vote and comment. It encourages me more. (:

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