19 | the bad boy cuddles

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the bad boy cuddles

AKARI SCOFFED AT Ha-eun. "This is the thirtieth dress you are trying. I swear to God, you have to pick one right now." Her burst out made Fleur laugh as she sat on the sofa, taking a video of Ha-eun as she twirled in her blue dress. Akari's eyes shifted towards the employee who had been eyeing them for the past hour, folding each dress Ha-eun had dismissed neatly back into the shelves with mild annoyance. Feeling ignominious by Ha-eun, Akari shrunk further into her seat with a hand on her forehead.

The girls were out shopping for Kappa Thi Theta's Auction event. Akari and Fleur had their dresses chosen while Ha-eun was making a huge fuss about each dress. Akari had run out of tolerance by the fourteenth try-out.

"You look beautiful, my love," Fleur commented with a sweet smile. "Ravissant." She added in French. Ha-eun's smile enlarged at her girlfriend's compliment and she went in to try out her next dress. Ha-eun came out with a red dress, stunning and bold. Akari instantly looked at Fleur with a gleam in her eyes who gave her the same intrigued look back. Both Akari and Fleur were convinced that this is the dress.

"Ok, you have to get this." Akari stood up from her seat, looking at her beautiful best friend. "This is stunning."

"I agree." Fleur looked at Ha-eun before kissing her cheek. "It's gorgeous."

"Alright." Ha-eun looked at herself in the mirror. "Do you think I can do a half up-do hairstyle with this dress though—"

"Yes, my lady, yes you can," Fleur pushed her girlfriend in the dressing room. "Change, I'm hungry." Akari laughed at Fleur and gave a thumbs-up sign towards the employee who was waiting patiently for Ha-eun to choose her dress.

"Tough being her girlfriend huh?" Akari teased.

"Tough." She shrugged. "But nothing I can't handle." She winked to which Akari let out a groan. Fleur approached her with two steps and lowly whispered, "Anyways, I'm not the one having a crush on a wanted criminal."

Akari gasped, pushing Fleur away. "Stop calling him that," Akari turned red and couldn't help but smile. It felt pleasant having someone else to talk to about Julian.

"You didn't deny the crush part," Fleur teased before picking up all the strewn items on the couch.

"It's nothing," Akari rolled her eyes. "I'm just—"

"You are just...?" Fleur bumped her shoulder against Akari in an attempt to taunt her further. "The way you both were gawking at each other was everything I needed to confirm it."

"What?" Akari asked, suddenly feeling lured to ask details of what Fleur had seen.

"You both looked like you couldn't stand to be three feet away from each other. You do something, he watches. He does something, you watch. He listens intently to every single thing you say. It was like there was an invisible thread connecting you two. I could feel it. I felt so out of place but it was fascinating to see you behave that way. So smitten." Fleur softly spoke and Akari was reddened to crimson, feeling like she was lit on fire. She felt herself fidgeting and shifting weight from side to side. It was a new feeling— something she had never encountered before. It was intense. Was this even a crush anymore? Or is this how a crush is supposed to feel?

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