30 | the bad boy freed

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the bad boy freed

THE COURTROOM BUZZED with anticipation as the proceedings began. Fleur, representing Julian, stood confidently at the defense table, her demeanor poised and determined. Ha-eun, Akari, and Ethan sat together in the gallery, their eyes fixed on Fleur as she prepared to present the evidence that would prove Julian's innocence.

The judge, a stern figure presiding over the proceedings, called for order as the courtroom settled into silence. Fleur rose to her feet, addressing the judge and jury with unwavering resolve.

"Your Honor, esteemed members of the jury," she began, her voice projecting with clarity and conviction. "Today, we stand before you to seek justice for my client, Julian Jones, who stands accused of a crime he did not commit."

With a confident stride, Fleur approached the jury, her gaze locking with each member as she spoke. "We have compelling evidence that will exonerate Julian and reveal the true culprit behind this injustice."

She turned to the prosecution, her tone firm as she addressed them. "The evidence we present today will demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt that Alexander, not Julian, is responsible for the crimes alleged."

Fleur directed the jury's attention to the CCTV footage, which displayed Alexander conversing with an accomplice in Hank's gym. The conversation was damning, revealing Alexander's plot to frame Julian for William's death.

"As you can see," Fleur continued, her voice resonating with conviction, "this footage captures Alexander discussing his nefarious plans to shift the blame onto Julian. It is clear that Julian was set up, manipulated by the true perpetrator."

Fleur scanned the courtroom, her eyes locking onto the figure of Mr. Johnson, the security guard from the Jones mansion. With a nod from the judge, Mr. Johnson rose from his seat, his expression composed yet attentive.

Fleur approached the security guard, her demeanor calm yet authoritative. "Mr. Johnson, thank you for being here today," she began, her voice carrying a tone of respect. "Can you please describe for the court your role at the Jones mansion?"

Mr. Johnson, a middle-aged man with a stern countenance, nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, Ms. Fleur," he replied, his voice steady. "As a security guard at the Jones mansion, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety and security of the premises and its occupants."

Fleur nodded, encouraging Mr. Johnson to continue. "And on the evening in question, did you witness anything out of the ordinary?" she inquired, her eyes fixed on Mr. Johnson with unwavering focus.

Mr. Johnson paused, his brow furrowing in concentration. "Yes, Ms. Fleur," he admitted, his voice tinged with gravity. "I observed Alexander, Mr. Jones's business associate, tampering with Mr. Jones's medication."

A hushed murmur rippled through the courtroom as Mr. Johnson's revelation sank in. Fleur pressed further, her questions methodical and precise. "Can you describe what you saw in more detail?" she prompted, her voice gentle yet probing.

Mr. Johnson recounted the events of that fateful evening, his testimony painting a vivid picture of Alexander's nefarious actions. "I witnessed Alexander adding a substance to Mr. William Jones's medication, just moments before Julian arrived at the mansion," he explained, his voice unwavering. "It was clear to me that Alexander had ulterior motives."

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