21 | the bad boy soothes

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the bad boy soothes

GAZING AT JULIAN'S peaceful slumber, Akari couldn't shake the guilt that weighed on her. The stories she shared about her parents and the memories she cherished were a stark contrast to the dark and haunting recollections Julian harbored about his father. In that moment, a deep resolve stirred within Akari, urging her to embark on a journey to clear Julian's name.

It had been two days since Julian revealed his story. He added more details later on whenever he remembered something new. Akari felt her heart sink every-time the memory he shared was something tragic.

The determination in her eyes spoke volumes as she silently pledged to unearth the truth, to peel away the layers of deception that had shrouded Julian's past. It was a commitment not just to him but to herself — a promise to bring justice, to dispel the shadows that lingered in his memories.

As the room embraced a quiet stillness, Akari's thoughts resonated with a newfound purpose. She knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but the fire of determination burned brightly within her. It was time to unravel the mysteries, confront the demons, and ensure that Julian's name would be untainted by the sins of his past.

Akari, overcome by restlessness, abandoned the solace of sleep. Fueled by a newfound determination, she found herself drawn to her reliable laptop. The soft glow of the screen illuminated her resolute face as she dove deep into the labyrinth of news articles detailing the crime and the intricacies of William's company. The hum of the printer echoed through the silent night as Akari translated the digital evidence into tangible pages, creating a physical record of the injustices surrounding Julian.

As the world outside slumbered, Akari transformed her sanctuary. Memories etched on her board were cleared away to make room for a crime board, a meticulous compilation of articles, photographs, and connecting strings. The room became a silent witness to Akari's relentless pursuit of truth, each piece of information carefully added to the growing tapestry of evidence.

Through the quiet hours, the town oblivious to her fervent efforts, Akari pieced together the puzzle that held the key to Julian's redemption. As the first light of dawn brushed against her determined face, she surveyed the result of a night spent unraveling the threads of deception. With a resolute gaze, Akari knew that this makeshift crime board marked the beginning of their fight to clear Julian's name.

The morning light painted the room as Julian stirred awake, his eyes immediately drawn to Akari standing by a board full of pictures on the wall. Concern etched his features as he took in the evidence of a sleepless night.

"Akari? What are you doing?" Julian asked, as he realised that Akari had spent her night making a crime board for him. The room bore the aftermath of Akari's relentless pursuit of truth. Cut papers scattered like fallen leaves across the floor, strings crisscrossing in a chaotic dance, telling a tale of determination and meticulous effort. Every piece of evidence, every article, had been rearranged and scrutinized to find its place on the crime board that now adorned the wall.

"You didn't sleep?" Julian's voice carried a mix of worry and gentle reproach.

Akari looked up, meeting his gaze with a tired but determined smile. "Exams are over, Julian. It's just voluntary clinical work now, and I'm used to pulling all-nighters."

Julian shook his head, refusing to accept her explanation. "That doesn't mean you have to keep doing it. Come on, let's get some rest."

Before Akari could protest, Julian took matters into his own hands. He gently pulled her away from the crime board, guiding her toward the bed. With a firm yet gentle touch, he urged her to lie down.

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