16 | the bad boy comforts

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the bad boy comforts

"COME," JULIAN HELD out his hand for Akari to hold. Akari looked at the soft, inviting hand before looking at Julian's face, rather sheepishly.

"I think I will just take a bath in the first-floor bathroom. I will use the bucket," Akari turned around, hair flipping in the air but was immediately caught before she could run away. She closed her eyes and when she opened them a few seconds later, Julian Jones was giving her a stern look, which was still making him look devilishly handsome by the way.

Akari groaned, "Listen."

"I know," Julian nodded. "You have never gone up to the second floor for years. You are scared. I get it. But, it's time," Julian placed his hands on Akari's slumped shoulders, squeezing them in reassurance. Julian looked at her like he was trying to cheer a really sad puppy up. Akari felt like she was a pet with the way his tone was babying her.

"Since when did you get to decide it's time?" Akari spoke up, whining a little, trying to avoid the situation she got herself into. It started with a simple fight of, 'You stink a lot' to 'you have to take a bath' and finding out that the tap on the first floor wasn't working properly.

Both Akari and Julian haven't showered in over twenty-four hours and both of them stank. Julian was more than ready to go to the second floor but Akari was willing to put her dignity on the line and keep stinking to avoid that floor of the house.

Julian was not impressed and he was ready to carry Akari over his shoulder which he was going to do until Akari bit his shoulder hard to make him drop her. There was already a growing bruise on his shoulder because of it— purple and blooming.

Worst of it, Akari had woken up today on top of Julian, both of them curled up on the couch, a blanket lazily draped over them and Julian's hand around her back. It had shaken her because this was the first time she had ever slept with anyone on the same bed— except Ha-eun and her mom, but this was way different. Even the one-night-stand guy had left before she could even make conversation or fight him for not making her orgasm.

Julian's sleeping form was still etched into her mind, the close-up view and the feeling of his body warmth underneath her right cheek was still there, leaving an invisible mark on her. She could hear his slow heartbeat, and he looked so vulnerable. That was also the moment Akari had noticed faded scars on his face and neck. She didn't know why she hadn't noticed them before while treating his wounds and bruises but the faded scars can only be seen up-close if you look for them. It seemed like old fracture scars and it had led Akari to a ton of thoughts, staring at Julian's face till he woke up.

She wondered what kind of life Julian had, what is Julian's family doing, where are they?— except for his Father, Akari never really learned anything about Julian's background but she could recall a conversation in her drunken state where Julian had mentioned something about his mother, but she couldn't remember anything— she was drunk silly out of her mind.

"Since I found you drooling on my chest in the morning," Julian grinned, satisfied with his remark and Akari whined, wanting to bury herself in the ground but unconsciously wiped her mouth— just to make sure. "We both stink. But, I'm going to take a bath and you are coming with me,"

"Carry me," Akari murmured under her breath, looking down at her dirty feet from standing on the garage floor.


"Carry me up to the second floor, I don't think I can do it by myself ever, just carry me up there even if I scream and yell or bite you or kick you just don't stop till you place in the bathroom, lock the door after that so that I can't escape," Akari let that all out in one breath and Julian looked at her like she was insane for a second before narrowing his eyes at her.

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