17 | the bad boy hugs

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the bad boy hugs

ATTENDING CLASS AFTER the emotional roller coaster ride she had experienced in the last days had changed Akari in a way she never thought she would. She felt a little awkward, out of place; Ha-eun had still not returned and she was without Julian Jones by her side, both seemingly weird for her. The classes went by in a blur and she scribbled the notes into her small book. She was a little glad theory was going to be over soon with only a few of practical clinical work left, having already done most of it.

She decided to hang out with Fleur during lunch but found out that she was on leave. Akari felt like she was having an especially long day because of all her classes and project work that she needs to stay behind for with a bunch of people. Dreading every second away from Julian Jones, she felt a little empty and bored without the annoyingly nice boy beside her.

She thought of going to Kappa Thi Theta's house and staying there with her fellow housemates for the rest of day but then decided not to do that. Without Ha-eun or Fleur by her side, Akari felt most comfortable in Kappa Thi Theta's house— which is why she can't go there or they will make her spill her secrets. They were all like a second family to her where she can be herself truly without fear. It was a safe space for everyone there.

Lunch was pretty sad and she couldn't find her housemates in the cafeteria so she had to eat alone. There were a bunch of torn posters of Julian Jones posted here and there on the eggshell-white walls. She ignored them, but it somehow comforted her, like a small bit of Julian was there with her— in a twisted sort of way.

She gulped down the boring looking rice down her throat, the buzz of the cafeteria being her only background music.

Akari thought of texting Julian multiple times but she backed out not knowing if he would be awake or if her text would jolt him awake. She didn't know what to text him either. Everything just felt awkward— not a weird kind of awkward, but the kind of awkward and shyness you would only feel around crushes.

"Hey Akari," Rebecca took a seat beside her and her cheery self brought Akari back to reality. "How are you doing?"

Akari nodded, taking in Rebecca's pristine appearance before speaking for the first time since morning, "I'm fine,"

Rebecca arched her perfect eyebrow. "Are you sure?" She narrowed her eyes. "You seem to be deep in your thoughts,"

"Oh," Akari shrugged, "Just Uni stuff," She sighed, "Lots of work left,"

"Right, take it easy," Rebecca patted her shoulder understandingly, "Med is hard, but you are almost there," She responded before a small smile sneaked its way onto her red lips, "Don't you get tensed, we are just a few days away from Oakland's Auction Event, it will be fun, you can de-stress there," She dived a spoon of noodles into her mouth.

"I almost forgot about that," Akari's eyes lit up in excitement, momentarily forgetting about how much of a dull boring day it had been. "When is it coming?"

Rebecca scoffed, placing a hand on her chest just to be dramatic. Akari rolled her eyes but she was excited nonetheless. "In about ten days," Rebecca looked at her in disbelief. "I can't believe you forgot," Rebecca smiled, "Don't forget to buy your dress, this year's theme is Masquerade," She whispered the last part into Akari's ear. "A one-night chance of feeling the sentiment of living the Sardanapalian life." She winked.

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