𝐌𝐲 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐨𝐨 𝐌𝐮𝐜𝐡

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Your mom's eyes never left yours causing you to fidget in your chair. She took a small sip of the amber liquid in a small glass cup while everyone watched in awe. How can someone so beautiful be godly? You never like comparing your beauty to hers because she's the perfect definition.

She fixed her collar, two buttons undone showing her black vest underneath. She took her jacket off, throwing off as one of her workers caught it.

"Start talking. I don't have all day."

Tension began to raise as your mother felt impatient. You felt your lungs weren't working. A burning sensation in your throat as you try to speak but Armin beat you to it.

"Ma'am, I don't think your daughter is in the right mindset to speak onto the situation."

The mere glance from your mom send shudders down everyone's spine. The taller female gripped the sleeves of her shirt, rolling them up to her elbows. Her energy changed.

"Listen here, I'm not going to have a slut of daughter making a fool out of me and my company."

"Like you are the pleasureable one here."

Your father stood behind you. His upper body is towering over you, glasses dim under the light that is casted in the room with one hand on your shoulder.

His words were bitter, knowing your mom is intoxicating. Both are polar opposites from each other. Your mother full of spite and hatred while your dad is pleasant and gleeful. You never understood why he would ever love a woman like her.

"Ji my darling, always been so resentful since the divorce. How's your drinking problem?"

Your father tried to reach over to your mom while she laughed loudly but you grabbed his arm quickly.

"Don't. She's just testing your anger." You said, whispering harshly to him. He glared at her once more before standing behind you again. The room got quiet again. Your mom's nails tapped against the arm chair, waiting for someone to talk.

"How long have you been doing this, Y/N?"

You looked up at your mom with a dull expression. Started playing your fingers, bowing your head slightly.

"Dad needed money to pay off his medical bills and I wanted to help. I felt useless because I couldn't do anything but to watch him struggle everyday to take care of us by working 3 jobs. I had to pay him back. "

"Oh honey."

"Oh barf." You heard your mom say. She got up, taking her jacket from the guy beside her. Her eyes trace back towards you, looking in disgust.

"You'll never be my daughter I wanted but I'll take in legal actions to sue this Yelena person. For your sake."

"Thanks mom."

She smiled softly, ruffling your hair slightly with her hand. You always knew she had a soft side for you. She cleared her throat and nodded her head slightly, walking out of the house.
Couple minutes later, everyone have left the house expect Mikasa and you.

She heard a knock on her doorframe, knowing it's you. There's a silence between the two of you as you lay beside her. But it wasn't awkward, it was rather soothing and comfortable. She laid her head on your chest and was beaming.

Mikasa suddenly looks at you and does a kissy face causing you to laugh. You showered kisses all over her face, getting a little close to her lips. You look down at her lips, gulping slightly as you felt your heart race. She noticed you staring and leaned in slightly where your lips are centimeters away from hers.

'Fuck it'

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