𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝟐: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐂𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞

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"Run away with me

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"Run away with me."

You lounge on the deck of Hange's yacht, sipping on your favorite drink, waiting for Hange to show up. You could hear soft rumble of their voice as they, assumedly, spoke to Moblit and Erwin. You noticed how tense Hange appeared as they see you sitting to lounge chair only in a bikini. Moblit and Erwin eyes shift towards your exposed body causing Hange to clear their throat harshly.

Hange dismissed the two men, waiting for their footsteps to be faint as they walk away. They sat down in the reclined chair next to you, not saying anything. Neither did you, only rolling your eyes on how Hange's behavior change.

"I'm tired of your attitude." Hange cut their eyes at you, reading your expression. It was blank which made them more angry. They felt alarmed as you stood in front of them. Hange hold their hands up in surrender. "Look I'm not here to argue with you-

"Then don't" Hange can taste their blood on their tongue from hard they were biting it. They pulled you onto their lap, catching you off guard. You can feel them pull on the string of your bikini. "Stop fighting with me." You mewl out a moan as you felt Hange rub your clit.

Your breath caught in your throat, feeling Hange overstimulate you as they add their fingers inside you. "You don't hate me now, do you?" "I do" They rolled their eyes from your stubborn answer. They thrust their fingers in a sloppy manner noticing you were close to cumming. You whined when you feel their fingers stop moving.

"Say you love me." The only thing close to a response is a gurgle sound from your mouth. Hange laughed at your fucked state, kissing your forehead to resure that everything is going to be okay. You were giving in. You practically fucked yourself against their fingers.

"I love you. I love you. I love you." You hiccup, holding onto their arm. Your eyelashes wet from your tears which Hange found cute. "Let me cum." You flinch when a harsh connect met with your ass causing you to yelp on Hange's shoulder.

"Посмотри, как хорошо ты берешь меня за пальцы" Hange hummed softly as you squirted onto their fingers.

"Open" They put their fingers in your mouth, watching you suck every last bit of your cum off of it.

"I love you too."

A/N: I decided to feel generous today since I haven't updated in a good month. It's a birthday gift from me to you.

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