Chapter 8

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I'm going to hell. I just tried to imprison my sister for stopping our mothers murder and killing my father just because a 10 year old spilled a secret. How petty can you get?! Sure, she was a brat but now she's trying to do what's right.

I let Rumplestiltskin get in my head and the darkness take over but not anymore! I need to fight back and try to make up for everything I've done.


"Daddy! Get a carriage ready. I'm going to go pay Snow a visit." I say smiling.

"Regina, please don't do anything rash. You know you can't hurt them. I can't lose you." He says sadly shaking his head.

"It's ok. Evidence came back and knocked me back to sense. I may not like Snow White, but I need her help." I reply pacing.

"So you really mean it Regina? You've decided to move on?" He smiles approaching me for a hug.

"Yes, Daddy. Now please go get a carriage ready. I have to figure out how to get Snow to talk with me. She's always surrounded by that Shepard and those sweaty little child beasts." I reply in a frustrated tone.

"I believe their called dwarves."

"I don't care what they're called. They're disgusting. Now leave before I change my mind about all this!" I hiss and he immediately leaves.


"Yes, your majesty?"

"Have you located my sister yet? I'm worried for her safety. Hook wants his revenge and is determined to do whatever he wishes to get it. I can't imagine what he has done to Evidence,  or visa versa." I tell him in a concerned sisterly way.

"Sorry to disappoint but she's being shielded by powerful magic."

"Do you know who is doing it?!" I shout.

"Afraid not. But whoever it is definitely doesn't want you finding her or the Captain." He responds in a bored tone which makes me even more angry at his insolence. 

"Then that's your new task. Find the person responsible for blocking her and than find my sister!" I order and wave him away. I get into the carriage with my father and we head towards Snow's castle. Or I guess Charming's castle considering he stole it from his step father. I miss King George. He at least knew the value in keeping the throne in capable hands. 

As we slowly stroll in through the castle gates, every single peasant stops to stare or run into their homes afraid of me. I sly grin pops up on my face. I can't help it if I thrive on their fear. 

"It's the Evil Queen! Run!" I frown and I magic a different dress on me. One that doesn't look as Evil as the others.

"You really do want to change. I'm so proud of you." He whispers squeezing my hand in a comforting manner. I smile back and peck him on the cheek.

My father walks out of the carriage and holds out his hand for me to take. I grab it and slowly come out. It feels different coming here as Regina and not the Evil Queen. I'm resisting all the urges to hurt the people staring at me.

"Regina?! What are you doing here? We exiled you." Snow says confused with her sword and her charming husbands sword pointed at me. The dwarves surround me and my father each with a pickaxe in hand.

"I know, I was there. I didn't come to fight. I came to... to..." My face is twitching in irritation because I don't like the thought of asking for help in front of literally everyone. It's overwhelming to say the least.

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