The Mission

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To make things clear, in this fanfic let's say that the soviet union is trying to annihilate the US.

Being deployed on this mission into Russia. Can't stand these terrorists... If it weren't for them I wouldn't be sent here...

Commander: Ruthless Beaver, you're the best we've got.

(Y/N): Yes sir. I'm gonna go in there and retrieve the serum. God... Please let this mission be a success.

Commander: Why do you always pray?

(Y/N): Not religious, huh?

Commander: No.

(Y/N): Well, it always works. I'm not dead yet am I?

Commander: Hm...

(Y/N): Heh.


You were on a mission to receive a serum that was gonna be put in the drinking water all around the world by the soviet union to kill almost anyone who drinks it. Supposed to be a way to "purify" Earth. It was on a truck being escorted by two PT-76 tanks.

You were waiting in a ditch for them to pass by. You were gonna use some c4 to blow up the truck as it passed. Unfortunately, they saw you and they were gonna arrest you.

Then you used your CQC to get past them. You held a hostage and got in the back of the truck.

(Y/N): Commander, Intel says this is their only one and they don't know how to make more?

Commander: Yes, they say it fell from the sky or something.

(Y/N): I have myself in a bind here. And im looking for ways to destroy it. Seems my only way is to destroy myself with it.

Commander: Beaver, wait you-

(Y/N): Over and out...

You cut off all the transmissions. Sad slow piano music played while you drank the serum and blew the c4 up with yourself along to ensure that it doesn't survive.

(Y/N): God, forgive me. And let everyone else stay safe on Earth...






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