Being Brought Back

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*sigh* Everything is all dark. It's been like this for a while. I wonder when im gonna feel my body.

You started to feel something. You woke up sitting in a chair with a chair in front of you and a chair beside you. In the chair beside you sat a little Asian dude. In front of you was a beautiful and elegant blue-haired girl.

(Y/N): *cough* Hm.

???: This dude looks like a fucking soldier. Where have I seen him though?

(Y/N): So, are you an angel? Are you gonna take me to heaven?

Aqua: Oh no silly! I'm no angel. I'm Aqua, the goddess of water.

(Y/N): Huh? Wait, what about my religion?!

Aqua: Oh it's correct. It just calls Gods and Goddess angels and doesn't speak of their name.

(Y/N): I guess that makes pagans correct in a sense...

Kazuma: Is that girl I saved ok?

Aqua: She's ok.

Kazuma: Good that means my death wasn't in vain.

Aqua: Actually if you wouldn't have pushed her, she still would have been fine. Tractors don't move fast.

(Y/N): Tractor? Did you push a girl from a slow tractor?

Kazuma: I thought it was a truck!

(Y/N): How sleep-deprived were you to be thinking that?

Kazuma: Days...

(Y/N): Hm.

Aqua: (Y/N), here saved most of the human race.

Kazuma: What?!

Aqua: As you know the Soviet Union has been destroying nations. (Y/N) has been helping out. He's a war hero now. They even have a statue in his name now.

Kazuma: What?!

(Y/N): Huh. Didn't expect that.

Kazuma: And I am still a loser...

Aqua: Pf! Yeah! You died from shock and you pissed your pants!!!

(Y/N): Alright, heaven here I come.

Aqua: Not so fast, there are three options. Heaven being reborn and... Going to a fantasy world with power and being able to defeat a devil king!

(Y/N): I already made my mark on the world. I don't feel like going to another world and being a savior there. Heaven, here I come!

Aqua: Wait! There is nothing to do there! All you can do is bask in the light and you don't even have a body!

(Y/N): Nothing fun there?

Aqua: Nope.

(Y/N): Option three.

Aqua: Choose your power!

Kazuma: What about the language?

Aqua: We'll shoot it into your head.

(Y/N): Shoot, hm... I want an M1911 pistol that can't break and only I can use. I want to be able to add all kinds of magical rounds that I can make for free.

Aqua: Odd choice. Here you go. Have fun with your new life!

A ton of runes surrounded you and you were sent into the middle of a fantasy village. Everyone seemed happy. You were still dressed like venom snake or something so people looked at you weird.

You pulled out your new gun. It was made by the gods so it better be good... Which it was! It was the most beautiful and shiny gun you've ever seen. It even looked better than this.

 It even looked better than this

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(Y/N): A gun made by the gods. Even has gods round. Beautiful...

You put it in your holster and took out a cigar.

(Y/N): *puff* I've read books about fantasy stuff and took history class. Might as well join the royal guard or something.


You quickly turned behind you and saw that Kazuma and Aqua had been teleported here too.

(Y/N): You again?

Kazuma: Yep! And my item is this goddess!

(Y/N): Can you even do that?

Aqua: He can! Please help, (Y/N)!

She started to hold onto you and you looked at her pouting.

(Y/N): How can a goddess me so elegant and yet so pitiful?

Aqua: I gotta get back to heaven!

(Y/N): Can't help ya there... Unless... Can I kill you?

Aqua: No!!! I'm a goddess!

(Y/N): Hm, alright.

Kazuma: I'm off to the guild.

(Y/N): Guild? I'm coming with you.

Kazuma: Alright.

Someone showed you to the guild and you walked in.

(Y/N): This is the guild?

Mohawk guy: What brings you here?

(Y/N): Here to kill some guy name the devil king. Ever heard of the bastard?

Mohawk guy: Hahaha! Quite a smartass huh?! Welcome to the gates of hell!

You all went to the counter and a big titty blonde explained everything. She let you go for free for some reason. Good looks I guess? You sexy beast~

Luna: Y-your stats are the highest I've ever seen! Everything is high! You can be whatever you want!

(Y/N): Not surprised. What do you recommend?

Luna: With accuracy, luck, and intelligence like this, I recommend being something like a Ranger.

(Y/N): What about if I wanted to let's say be able to enchant things. What classes can do that while having a ranger build?

Luna: I guess you are a ranger that is taught magic later on.

(Y/N): Sounds good.

Luna: We thank you for being able to work with us!

Then they did Aqua.

Luna: Your intelligence and luck are super low but everything is high! You can be almost whatever you want.

Aqua: I'll be an archpriest that heals her allies!

Luna: We look forward to having you.

Everyone: I bet the last guy is gonna be just as good!

Luna: Everything is average and your luck is high. I recommend being a merchant.

(Y/N): Kazuma, everyone here is gonna think youre a joke if you try to be an adventurer after how low your stats are. I recommend putting that luck to good use.

Kazuma: *grr* Fine!!! I'm gonna be the best merchant you've ever seen!

He then ran out.

Everyone cheered for you and aqua while you just wanted to relax after all you've been through. You needed time to think about all the previous events...

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