Purification For This Lake

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You were at the guild looking for a good quest.

(Y/N): Purify a lake, huh?

Aqua: I can do that!

(Y/N): Sounds easy enough. Everyone, we're gonna go purify a lake. And I have the best idea...

You were at the lake and you put her in a cage. Everyone was standing back and watching while she sat in the dirty water.

(Y/N): Can you maybe purify it a bit faster? I'm not sure if the cage could hold up to a ton of monsters.

Aqua: I'll be fine...

(Y/N): *groan* Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

A few hours later...

(Y/N): Gotta piss... You guys keep watch while I go take care of business.

When you got done...

(Y/N): Alright ill keep watch while you guys go.

Megumin: Crimson demons don't use the bathroom!

(Y/N): *groan* Fine then. Hold it in, you'll be useless that way. *puffs cigar*

Darkness: Crusaders don't pee either.

(Y/N): There is something wrong with these chicks...

Aqua: Um, guys!

(Y/N): Monsters. Alright, Aqua! Do you need help?!

Aqua: Purification! Purification!

(Y/N): I knew she could go faster!

Not long after, the water was purified and the monsters quit bothering her.

You pulled out the cage and checked on her.

(Y/N): You alright?

Aqua: Dont takes me out of this cage...

(Y/N): What?

Aqua: The world is too dark and scary.

(Y/N): She's acting so depressed right now.

Megumin: You can have all of the rewards!

(Y/N): Y-you know what? Yeah, you can have all of it.

Aqua: I don't need it...

(Y/N): Aqua, come on...

She refused to leave. You had to take her to town in the cage and everyone was looking at you're party. She was singing some kind of song and people were looking at you funny.

(Y/N): Can you please leave the cage? You're making us look unprofessional.

Aqua: I'll be fine...

(Y/N): Damnit. There's no I in WE. We're a team, Aqua. You're making us look bad.

Then some random dude ran up to the cage and broke it.

???: Lady Aqua, what are you doing in a cage?!

Aqua: Lady Aqua? That's right, I'm a goddess!

She said enthusiastically.

(Y/N): Hey, who the hell are you?!

Kyoya: Kyoya Mitsurugi. Why did you trap her in a cage?!

You explained it to him. He looked furious.

Kyoya: So your friend dragged her here against her will and you put her in a cage?! You are some of the biggest scum bags I've ever seen!

(Y/N): I've been watching over her. *lights cigar* so you can go over there and have a threesome with your friends over there.

Kyoya: *grr*

He tried to punch you but you blocked it and swung him over your back and put him in a headlock. (One of those big boss techniques)

(Y/N): Dont start a fight if you can't finish it.

Kyoya: *yell* You bastard!

You let him go and he leaned because his back was in pain.

Kyoya: You girls can come with me, I'll buy you the best gear and everything!

(Y/N): So they can join your disgusting orgies? I don't think so...

Mrgumin: Yeah, he seems kinda creepy.

Darkness: Usually I want to get hit. But now I want more to hit him.

(Y/N): They've made themselves clear Kyoya.

You all started to walk away and Kyoya grabbed your shoulder.

Kyoya: How about a dual? If I win, you get the girls, if you win then you can have any of my items.

(Y/N): You scumbag!

You grabbed his shirt and yelled at him.

(Y/N): Girls aren't some objects to be traded off! I'm surprised that you have two girls over there all over you! You're such scum, I don't even want to look at your face!

You pushed him away from you and walked away from him.

Kyoya: Gah! I challenged you to a dual! Are you a coward?!

Girl 1: Yeah, are you a coward?!

You looked back at them, cigar in mouth, and said...

(Y/N): Coward, huh? Fine then, just fists. No weapons, no magic, no crying.

Kyoya: But you'll win that way!

(Y/N): Look who's the coward now.

Kyoya: Fine!

You got in your CQC stance and were ready to fight him. You kicked his legs out causing him to fall on the ground and you put him in a chokehold.

(Y/N): I told you before. Don't start a fight you can't finish.

Kyoya: *groan* Damn you!

(Y/N): I win.

The next day...

Aqua: Great job taking his money, now we could pat for the cage!

Kyoya: (Y/N)!

(Y/N): You still?

Kyoya: I'm not finished with you! Let's do a weapon battle!

(Y/N): I've killed before. I'm not afraid of a battle to the death.

Kyoya: Then let's battle!

The whole town heard that the two of you were battling and many people came to watch in the streets.

(Y/N): *sigh* let's get this over with.

Guy: My money is on Kyoya!

Kyoya charged at you with his sword and you dodged it and pulled your gun out. You shot at his back at an opening in his armor. He fell to the ground in pain.

Kyoya: You had a gun?!

(Y/N): Well, rules are rules. I win again.

You took his sword cause you heard only he could use it.

Guy 2: How did he do that?!

Kazuma: I watched that fight! That was amazing, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): He's just some coward that wanted to take my party members.

Kazuma: Scum...

(Y/N): I know. *puffs cigar*

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