A Second Dual For These Enemies

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It was a cold day and you were trying to keep warm on the couch.

Aqua: (Y/N), im freezing. Hold me!

She wrapped a blanket around you along with herself and cuddled up next to you.

(Y/N): *grunt* If it helps...

After a bit, Megumin walked in.

Megumin: Hey, (Y/N)-

She looked angry and started to squeeze the cat she was holding.

Megumin: What are you two doing?

Megumin: What are you two doing?

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(Y/N): Oh, just warming up.

Megumin: Warming up, huh?! Then can I join?!

She said trying to see if you were telling the truth.

Aqua: No, go warm up yourself! He's mine!

Megumin: Oh yeah?!

She lifted the blanket and got under the covers.

She snuggled up to you on your right and Aqua was on your right.

The cat topped it off by laying on top of you.

(Y/N): Uhm...

You were sweating and blushing. You've never been under the covers with anyone other than Aqua. You and Aqua did it often because "she got cold often" but it was just a way to snuggle up to you.


Sena: Is (Y/N)?!

She busted through the door and saw you and the others peaking over the couch.

Sena: Im sorry, am I interrupting something?


Well, that was awkward...


You were sent to kill some toads with your party because Megumin and your gunfire had alerted the toads. They were awoken early from hibernation.

(Y/N): Everyone get down...

Everyone was kneeling to stay out of sight of the toads.

(Y/N): Alright, looks like 5 toads. I'll shoot them...

You morphed your 1911 into a sniper. You shot them one by one. After they were all down, you looked back at everybody with a cigar in your mouth.

(Y/N): It's Tuesday isn't it?

Then a toad came out of nowhere and gobbled you up.

(Y/N): *muffled* Im gonna kick your ass!!!

Bang bang bang!

The toad fell and revealed Tiger...

You fell out of the toad's mouth and looked at Tiger

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You fell out of the toad's mouth and looked at Tiger.

Tiger: Beaver! It's Tuesday, we were gonna have our second dual!

(Y/N): Damnit! I was handling that just fine! See?!

You kicked the toad.

Tiger: Yeah right, you looked like you were just eaten.

(Y/N): Well... I didn't need your help.

He pulled out his two single-action armies.

(Y/N): This again? We aren't even at war with each other anymore.

Tiger: Im a man of my word, when you beat me for the first time...


You were on a solo mission. You had to retrieve a hostage and Tiger had him hostage. You had your weapons drawn on him and Tiger had a Glock of some kind.

Tiger: Who are you? Another one of America's pets?

(Y/N): I'm here for the guy.

Tiger: Hah! Like youre gonna get him.

He started shooting at you and you rolled out of the say to dodge it. When you got close enough, you hit the gun out of his hand.

Tiger: Damnit!

Then you got him down on the ground.

(Y/N): Hm, you twist your elbow to suppress the recoil. That's more of a revolver technique. I don't think you're cut out for an automatic anyway.

End of flashback...

Tiger: And from that day forward, I picked up the revolver and vowed to defeat him...

Aqua: *Holding back laughter* Thats so sad! Dedicating your life just to kill him! Hahaha!!!

Tiger: Can it!

(Y/N): *groan* Seriously, you don't have to kill me anymore.

Tiger: Nonsense!

Megumin: Im pretty sure (Y/N) is gonna win again. After all these years and you still can't beat him. Im sure that's not going to change.

He started shooting at you and you knocked one out of his hand. You were about to knock the other one out of his hand, but then...


He shot your right eye and there was blood everywhere.

Aqua: (Y/N)!!!

Megumin: Are you okay?!

Tiger: *drops gun* I didn't expect to be able to do it.

He ran picked up his guns and ran off.

Aqua got some pliers and took out your eye with a scalpel. Unfortunately, she couldn't heal your eyes because the bullet had already messed up your eye.

(Y/N): Gah!!! Aqua, that hurts!

Aqua: I know! You just gonna have to bear with me!

Megumin held you still. After the procedure was over aqua healed your eye.

(Y/N): I can't believe that bastard shot out my right eye!

You weren't in any pain now, but you were pretty angry at Tiger.

(Y/N): Thats the last of his foolish duals!

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