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It was the next morning after your little uhh. Incident. You were tending to a gravestone of that little girl who haunted the dolls.

(Y/N): Thanks, you made me develop a phobia of dolls.

Darkness: Hey, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Hm?

Darkness: You don't remember anything from lady night? Not even the baths?

She said while flushing and looking at the ground.

(Y/N): Baths, huh? I don't think so.

Darkness: I see.

(Y/N): I kinda feel bad about shouting at her like she was a soldier. I just forced myself on her...

Luna: Destroyer Alert! I repeat, Destroyer Alert!

(Y/N): Destroyer?

Darkness: Oh no.

Everyone was panicking and trying to evacuate while you were calmly puffing your cigar wondering why everyone was acting the way they were.

(Y/N): Aqua, what's a "destroyer"?

Aqua: It's the giant machine that destroys anything it comes near! We have to leave while we can!

(Y/N): No! We fight because we are needed! We are adventurers, we fight because no one else will!

Aqua: I'm not going to get killed!

(Y/N): Fine, be a coward when your followers need you most!

Aqua made a pouty face.

Aqua: Fine!

You all went to the guild.

Everyone: There's, (Y/N)!

Luna: (Y/N): Can your party help us?!

(Y/N): We'll do what we can.

Luna: Thank you.

You were at a large round table with the best adventurers around it. (Like one of those movie scenes)

Luna: It's known as the impeccable fortress as a reason. We can't just attack it, it has an unbreakable barrier.

(Y/N): Aqua, you can destiny it with your magic right?

Aqua: I might.

(Y/N): *puffs cigar with cigar in-between teeth* Then this may be possible after all... Now, all we need is firepower... Megumin, use your explosion magic when given the signal.

Wiz: Sorry I'm late!

(Y/N): Wiz, you know explosion right?

Wiz: U-um, yes.

(Y/N): Perfect, more firepower. We have a plan, let's use it.

You were far from town with darkness.

(Y/N): You're a brave soldier, Darkness. It's great seeing how much better you've gotten since I started training you.

Darkness: *blushing* Thank you... I am a crusader after all. My real name is Lalatina Dustiness Ford... I fight because people need me. I'll always be there to protect and battle...

(Y/N): *salutes* Hooyah!

Darkness: Youre not surprised about who I am?

(Y/N): On the battlefield, names no longer exist.

Darkness: I see so that's all you see me as...

Later in the town...

You and the others were ready for the destroyer to appear. Megumin and Wiz were ready to use explosion magic. Aqua was gonna use some holy magic to break the barrier. You were there for um... Moral support and bossing everyone around.

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