Chapter 2- Human Meat

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Kokichi came out of the kitchen with trays of food, setting it in front of them.

"Why are you being so nice to us all of a sudden?" Miu asked, suspicious of him.

"I was tired of you guys hating me, and with Kirumi dead, we don't have anyone to cook for us." Kokichi said setting down the rest of the food, "I found one of Kirumi's cookbooks."

"I don't trust him! He probably poisoned our food or something!" Kaito accused him, "Also, has anyone seen Shuichi?"

Everyone looked at each other, trying to remember the last time he was seen.

"I haven't seen him since yesterday, he probably slept in." Kokichi tried his best to sound calm while saying this.

"Nyeh... Wasn't he with you last? That's a little suspicious..." Himiko said, falling asleep against Tenko

"I saw him go back to his dorm last night after we were together, someone should go check on him." Kokichi suggested, picking up a piece of meat.

They all started eating, the meat tasted better cooked.

"This meat tastes... a bit off..." Maki said, putting the fork down.

"It's my first time cooking, you don't have to be so rude, Maki-roll..." Kokichi whined, putting a piece of meat in his mouth.

"Don't call me Maki-roll. I'm not eating this."

"Atua says you should cook for us more often, Kokichi!" Angie said happily

"This tastes oddly like human meat." Korekiyo said, most sane people stopped eating after hearing that.

"Ew, how do you know what that tastes like?" Kokichi played it off as a joke.

"Kokichi, what type of meat is this?" Maki gave him a glare.

"I don't know? I'm not a chef."

Everyone stared at him.

"U-Uhm... why is everyone looking at me like that?" Kokichi tried to hide the nervousness in his voice.

Everyone looked at him, some with judgmental looks, others with concerned looks.

"S-Stop looking at me like that! I said stop!" Kokichi stumbled out of his seat.

They stared at him.

Like they were judging him.

"Please s-stop! it's driving me crazy! I can't stop thinking about it... that terrified look on his face..." He started nervously laughing.

"Gonta is worried about Kokichi, is he okay?" Gonta said, nervously.

"What's gotten into that degenerate?!" Tenko said, annoyed, but slightly concerned.

"I'm sorry...! W-Why is everyone looking at me like they know what I did!? I-I'm sorry! I d-don't know why I did it...!" Kokichi looked up at them panicking. "I said stop looking at me like that!"

"It appears he's having a mental breakdown of some sort..." Keebo looked at Kokichi, worried.

"O-Once I started I couldn't stop... it just tasted s-so good..." Kokichi laughed through his tears "Oh god... I'm disgusting..."

Everyone dropped their food, feeling sick, they had just realized what Kokichi meant.

Well except for Korekiyo, he continued eating the human meat like nothing was wrong.

Kokichi was uncontrollably shaking, "S-Stop... stop... stop... please..."

They just kept staring.

"I c-can still hear it... that scream... w-why can I still hear him..." Kokichi repeatedly bashed his head into the ground "Get out of my head! Please! Stop. I said stop!"

Gonta restrained him, keeping him from bashing his head against the ground.

"I can't take this anymore... I'm going insane... I can still hear him..." Kokichi cried, trying to get out of Gonta's arms

"Do you wanna die." Maki glared at him

"Y-Yes... p-please... just make his screams go away..." Kokichi went limp, not struggling anymore.

Kaito felt nauseous "If Shuichi is missing... and that's human meat..."

"You ate Shuichi." Korekiyo said, continuing to eat.

"O-Oh god... I'm going to be sick..." Kaito covered his mouth and tried not to puke.

"H-He was crying and b-begging me not to k-kill him... b-but I still did it..." Kokichi confessed "I can still hear it... I'm a terrible person..."

He looked up at them, laughing through his tears, "But guess what! There's no body left!"

"You're disgusting." Maki glared, some of the others nodding in agreement.

"I k-know... h-he was so scared... and I still k-killed him..." Kokichi laughed, still attempting to struggle out of Gonta's arms.

"But why would you eat his corpse?! That's just plain gross!" Tsumugi said in disgust.

"Y-You don't get it! I j-just had one bite and then I just c-couldn't stop... he tasted so good..." Kokichi admitted, feeling guilty. "I w-wanted to stop... it made me feel so awful... b-but I really couldn't..."

Everyone looked at him with disgust

"W-What the fuck?! He's crazy!" Miu exclaimed.

"K-Kokichi must be lying again, r-right?!" Gonta said, not able to believe that one of his 'friends' would do that.

"We should restrain him so he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else." Keebo suggested.

Korekiyo pulled out a rope out of nowhere, which was slightly concerning- walking towards Kokichi.

"N-No! I don't need to be restrained!" Kokichi struggled

"No offense, but we don't really feel safe near you..." Himiko said, nervously.

"I-I'm not dangerous! It was one time! I won't do it again!" Kokichi continued to struggle "P-Please! I-I'm really claustrophobic- Please d-don't tie me up..."

"I wonder what other stuff he did to Shuichi's corpse..." Miu said, disgusted.

"That degenerate..." Tenko mumbled.

"N-No! I didn't do anything like that!" Kokichi protested.

Gonta let go of him, Tenko holding him down and Korekiyo tying him up while Angie went on about how Kokichi was a terrible person and needed Atua.

"Get off of me-" Kokichi tried to kick at them, which only caused Tenko to slam his head on the floor.

"Be quiet you male! We all know you did perverted stuff to Shuichi's corpse before you ate him!" Tenko slammed his head down again.

"I didn't! I swear!" Kokichi cried, still struggling.

Korekiyo finished tying him up, leaving him on the floor.

Monokuma just sat with a bag of popcorn and watched.

"W-Why won't anyone believe me...?" Kokichi looked up nervously "Y-You believe me, right, Gonta? R-Right!?"

Gonta just looked away, disappointed.

"Just... get him away from me..." Kaito sighed.

Kokichi kicked and screamed while Tenko and Gonta dragged him off.

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