Chapter 5- Attempted Homoerotic Cannibalism

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He opened his eyes, surrounded by a group of people.

"Shuichi...?" he mumbled, his eyes adjusting to the light. "Did I do it...?"

As he sat up, and realized he wasn't dead, "Oh." He sighed, laying back down.

Kokichi went to stretch, realizing that he wasn't tied up. He looked around confused.

"Why am I untied?" Kokichi looked down at his hands.

"After a while of discussing... we've decided that we'll leave you untied and watch you at all times..." Keebo said, though it sounded more like they had been arguing.

"Finally, now I can bash my head against the ground easier." Kokichi joked.

Everyone gave him concerned looks.

"Please refrain from doing that..." Keebo said nervously.

Kokichi looked down, he hated being stared at like that.

"P-Please stop staring at me..." Kokichi nervously gripped his hair.

"Right, sorry." Kaito said, most of them not staring anymore.

"Can you leave now?" Kokichi asked, annoyed.

"We're not leaving you alone, not after what you just did." Kaito sighed, "Keebo is going to be watching you."

"Why? Because I'm not able to eat him?" Kokichi knew they had a reason to not trust him, but was still pissed off. "It was one- okay maybe two- times, do you really think I'm that crazy?"

They looked at each other awkwardly.

"Fine, maybe I am that crazy, can the rest of you hurry up and leave?" Kokichi sighed.

Everyone left, leaving Kokichi alone with Keebo.

After a bit of awkward silence, Kokichi spoke. "Do you hate me?"

"Huh?" Keebo looked at him.

"Do you think I'm disgusting? After what I did I wouldn't blame you for thinking that." Kokichi slightly looked off to the side.

"No, I don't think you're disgusting... I'm just... concerned." Keebo sat on the foot of the bed.

"About what? There's a lot of concerning things going on with me." Kokichi joked, wanting to lighten the mood a little.

"Why did you do it? I just want to understand."

"I don't think a robot would be able to understand." Kokichi teased.

"I don't know why I even try to understand you..." Keebo sighed, tired of his robophobia.

"I'm a terrible person, what else is there to understand?" Kokichi crossed his arms, an annoyed expression on his face.

Kokichi looked off to the side, seeing Shuichi, he knew the hallucinations weren't real so didn't know why he was so scared.

"I don't think you're a terrible person, I just-" Keebo said, Kokichi cutting him off by holding onto his hand.

"Keeboy... I think I'm about to do something crazy..." Kokichi said nervously, holding onto his hand tighter, "Hold me down so I don't end up hurting myself."

Keebo nodded, pulling him into a hug, it's not exactly what Kokichi was expecting but it worked.

"I think the guilt is starting to drive me insane... I know he isn't there but it feels so real..." Kokichi held onto Keebo tighter, closing his eyes.

"It's going to be okay, I'm here, I won't let anything bad happen to you." Keebo stroked his hair, hushing him.

Kokichi nodded, relaxing.

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