Khai And Earth - 19

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DA note: BTW I have all the names of the eps of TOL memorized by heart and even a few dialogues of Khai.

And I'm seventeen, IDK how they record things so Imma just wing it.

And all one takes for Earth.

Oh and Third' character here will be renamed as Cas cause, the show is being remade in a Thai-American setting in this fiction so,


          Earth hadn't expected to fall asleep when he had hit the pillow.

          He only realized that when he woke up late in the morning and with a headache. He climbed down and sat at the edge of the bed, leaning forwards and rubbing his face.

          The events of last night flooding back in his head.

          He scrunched his face while keeping his eyes pressed shut. He sighed out after a moment as he went into the bathroom.


          There was actually a lot of anxiousness stirring in him.

          How would he face Mix?

          He couldn't stop questioning himself that.

          And of course, he knew better than to pretend that nothing happened.

          At least after what happened with White, it's better if he did not repeat the same mistake.

          Although from outside he looked like he wasn't bothered, while descending the stairs, but from the inside he was going almost nuts.

          His mind was over thinking on how would Mix act with him now and how this 'confrontation' would go.

          He entered the joint area. "Mix?" He didn't know why but he called out when the said man wasn't there.

          His gaze fell over the table as he walked over while he looked around, searching any signs of the man.

          On the table, there was a bowl covered with a plate and a few other things with it. There was a sticky note on the plate. Earth took it off and read in his mind.

I had turned off the alarm you set for every morning. Sorry but I knew you'd be hungover and would want to sleep. I've made a Korean dish for your hangover. By the time you get up, it may have gone cold. So reheat it and make sure to eat. And there's no house chore in particular to do, just wash your dishes. — Mix.

          He noticed an arrow at the bottom right of the note and turned it over.

PS: I've gotten the puncture fixed.

          He looked up and back at the coffee table, he had set Mix's phone there last night.

          It was gone.

          There was a spontaneous reflex that Earth almost started reaching into the pocket of his sweat pants to whip out his phone and dial Mix to ask where was he and when will he be back.

          But Earth stopped before he even started.

          He curled in his fingers forming a fist. He looked at the Yellow sticky note in his hand.

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